The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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The K Pop thing kinda overblown. He already had the votes by then. Paul George going down was the biggest factor

K-Pop mixed with Canadians mixed with GSW fans was the perfect storm for Wiggins to start an ASG. Let’s be serious here. All these factors collided.

If anything Draymond should have started before Wiggins.
K-Pop mixed with Canadians mixed with GSW fans was the perfect storm for Wiggins to start an ASG. Let’s be serious here. All these factors collided.

If anything Draymond should have started.
I remember when dude tweeted about Wiggins and he already had the leading votes anyways but I digress

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Shaq wild'n :lol:
Was so dope...until it became a crypto currency plug.
Yeah. I’m focusing on the commercial execution and not what product is being advertised. (There have been some commercials that aired during the SB that I’m not sure what the product was)..
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