The Official Wale Thread: Ambitions in Stores 11.1.11


There's much to be desired.

More About Nothing > Ambition. It had a lot more open, honest, and genuine creative music on there.

Like many have said, he has the material but his song placement is questionable.

Too many slow songs. But I guess he gotta do what he does cuz it's the women who are gonna buy the albums.
Originally Posted by dland24

You guys are judging this album based on what you think should or wish was on the album, rather than what is actually on it. Its a good album. To go along with my point, mixtapes are almost ruining peoples albums, rather than promoting it. You guys are *****ing about songs you heard from the internet not being on the album, when you should just be appreciating the ones that are.

To me, Ambitions is a really good album.
I'm basing it off the fact that he said it was going to be a "classic album" but it actually wasn't anything close. What makes it worse is that he had better material that would have made his assumption a little more valid but those songs weren't included. IMO this album isn't garbage (ended up buying 8 songs from the deluxe version) but it didn't live up to the expectations or the self hype from the artist himself.
Originally Posted by yungchamp

Album definitely grew on me.

Figure will probably change slightly (up or down) once the final Billboard number is posted, but it looks like a solid sophomore debut.

mass appeal was dope...mills got that skinny fatboi body like melo. both him and ross with no shirt on...smh
Originally Posted by JD161616

Figure will probably change slightly (up or down) once the final Billboard number is posted, but it looks like a solid sophomore debut.
Not a fan of his, but it's cool to see new artists able to sale pretty well in this rap climate. I'm sure ten years ago about this would have
been a 250-300K release or something. 

... I did not get the album...

from a level of 1- being don't worry about it. to 5- what is wrong with you.

How much am I missing?
Gave this a spin in the car the other day and been bumping it every since.... This album really grew on me
Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

Mass Appeal

ten to twelve years ago 162 thousand sold would have been a big fail 
a album like this back in the day with the fame wale has now have been 300 k to maybe gold 
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