The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Why do you think this? Didn't the PS4 sell out?
ps4 aint release during a global pandemic
while unemployment numbers weren't at an all time high
just seen texas extra employment money was sucked dry
country is in the toilet
folks excited
but wont be able to afford it
Pretty much every single console sells out at launch, even the Wii U practically did :lol:.

The real question is if these systems will have legs past spring 21.
ps4 aint release during a global pandemic
while unemployment numbers weren't at an all time high
just seen texas extra employment money was sucked dry
country is in the toilet
folks excited
but wont be able to afford it

It will sell out. Hottest gift this holiday.
I knew not to reply to him and I did it anyway.
- PS5 hardware is "way more capable than people give it credit for"
- Few years down the line, it should be able to do games that "just couldn't be done anywhere else"
- God of War 2 was shown behind closed doors running on PS5, reveal is coming
- They have one more launch exclusive they haven't revealed yet
- Halfway through the PS4 generation, games that were being made for late-gen switched to next-gen production (exclusive to PS5 now)

Start at the 55:07 mark.
Here’s a chart breaking down the math on it


keep in mind this is interest free with no money out door. You’d be essentially pocketing that $500 (or $300) you would’ve spent (plus the cost of GPU), and end up paying a $20 less for both combined over the span of two years in the long run

Thanks for posting.

I guess this works if you are really committed to the platform.

I really only use my XB1X for streaming video, 4K disc playback and the Forza series with my racing rig... so gaming barely ever happens. For me it's been this way even on XB360, XB1 & XB1E... basically a Forza machine.

I'll probably just buy the XSX after I can get it in a next-gen Forza bundle. I will continue to be focused on PS5 and *perhaps* consider the xbox pass for my gaming PC.

Also, I wonder what happens when and if you decide you want to pay off the console early to sale or trade.
Died to the 2nd runner on my Part II Grounded perma-death run.

Too rusty. I forgot that I can melee them.

i get the licensing value of those buttons, but i hate that they do it. I wish I could just bind the buttons to programs I want myself. league pass, netflix, hbo etc.

really hoping ps5 and comcast/xfinity come to some agreement to get the xfinity stream app so I can get rid of roku/xfinity cable boxes.
re: tony hawk. I know it's only $40, but I'm struggling to pull the trigger if it isn't going to provide much past nostalgia. tbh, i kinda enjoyed underground more because it had the story line and some objectives outside just free skate.

Sony at this point really must be having a hard time pricing bot the disc and digital versions for PS5.

No way they can come in and price it at $599/$499 at this point.
Sony does not need to come in cheaper than the Series X. Both sides will sell out their initial shipments 399or449/499 is fine for DE and Disk. Any higher and it will be a bad look.

PS5's GPU may be weaker but their SSD is revolutionary and much better so it's just different design philosophies and even then we're talking about a 17% weaker GPU.
Xbone's GPU was 40% weaker than the PS4. Not only did that but it also had slower RAM in a split architecture making it weaker and harder to develop for while being more expensive.

This is why I can't wait for benchmarks. I want to see games running. Both sides have already confirmed lots of 4k/60 and 120fps games so I'm not even worried. I just want to see some next gen stuff. I'm tired of waiting.

Sony is confident in PS5 but not THAT confident to overprice MS. Let's chill on that. Sony is NOT going to price a PS5 over 500 or 600, they will be doing what MS did last gen.

I think what is tricky will be the non-BR drive version, I don't think Sony was ready for $299, and I believe MS is only doing that price just to get in the homes. They're willing to eat a ton of cash on the S for a long time just to put Sony in an awkard place. Curious to see how Sony answers back with there non-BR drive version.

Series S has been rumored since 2018. Sony definitely knew about it.

Series S/X are GamePass trojan horses. MS is trying to get people hooked onto the service and the S especially is a good way of doing it.

I still don't know how the public will view it though. Will it be looked at as a nice entry into next gen or will it be a iPhone SE.
It reminds me of the 20GB launch PS3. Same internals but did anyone buy it? Even with the 599 meme, I don't know anyone who didn't get the 60GB version at launch.

With 4K TV's being the norm now, it might not do that well with the PS5 and Series X but at the same time. I can see it flying off the shelves if MS discount it nicely on Black Friday.

Next gen battle is gonna be on some Dragonball anime level :lol:
Man I can't wait.
Not sure if this is new, but you can register on Sony site to preorder the PS5. They're selecting people for this opportunity, I signed-up, worth a shot...

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