The Perfect Pushup?

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I been looking at getting some, but I need some feedback first... How are they in comparison to doing regular routine pushups? How much did you get themfor and where did you get them?

seriously, they're good

now get the Iron Gym also, and don't worry about your doorway getting messed up
i like mines, it gives me the needed support i've been yearning for my back pains. would definitely recommend for the next man
The iron gym works well. You're going to hate it the first week, but after getting the "hang" of it you'll like it.

The perfect push-up is somewhat alright, it gave me some joint problems. But other than that, go for it.
The iron gym is the truth. I heard the perfect pushup will mess up your rotator cuff, and I asked my mom who is a physician if it can and she said yeah, so Irarely use it now.
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

The iron gym is the truth. I heard the perfect pushup will mess up your rotator cuff, and I asked my mom who is a physician if it can and she said yeah, so I rarely use it now.

Damn.. Links?
Got it for christmas, don't use it too much.

I prefer regular push-ups. Plus, I'm just not motivated working out at the crib.
While we on the subject of chest workout to get it stiff?
stop and goes on bench?
what would these do? just tighten up your chest area? or actually help build lean muscle? And how has the iron gym worked for you guys?
Originally Posted by Crumbs

the perfect pull up thats the truth

i have all three.. perfect pushup, prefect pull up, and the iron gym.
perfect pushup and the iron gym are highly reccomended.. perfect pullup however.. not so much.. i prefer doing my pullups on the iron gym.. goes on easy aroundyour door frame and allows you to do a variety of different pullups.. Iron Gym.. now thats the truth
I bought the Push Up Pro (cheaper version).. it's not as heavy duty (so if you're a big dude - 200lbs+, get the Perfect Push-up) but it works just aswell since I'm a lighter guy..
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I bought the Push Up Pro (cheaper version).. it's not as heavy duty (so if you're a big dude - 200lbs+, get the Perfect Push-up) but it works just as well since I'm a lighter guy..
How much did you pay for it? The Perfect Pushup is around $20 at Target. I bought it for that price and got a $10 gift card upon checking out.
I use it every now and then when I'm bored at home. Otherwise I just hit the gym.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I bought the Push Up Pro (cheaper version).. it's not as heavy duty (so if you're a big dude - 200lbs+, get the Perfect Push-up) but it works just as well since I'm a lighter guy..
How much did you pay for it? The Perfect Pushup is around $20 at Target. I bought it for that price and got a $10 gift card upon checking out.
I use it every now and then when I'm bored at home. Otherwise I just hit the gym.
This was about a year ago.. I bought it for $25 Canadian (so probably $20 US at the time) at a local Linen N Things.. The Perfect Push-upwould've cost me $40 online..
So yeah, for $20, definitely get the Perfect Pushup. It's a better product.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I bought the Push Up Pro (cheaper version).. it's not as heavy duty (so if you're a big dude - 200lbs+, get the Perfect Push-up) but it works just as well since I'm a lighter guy..
How much did you pay for it? The Perfect Pushup is around $20 at Target. I bought it for that price and got a $10 gift card upon checking out.
I use it every now and then when I'm bored at home. Otherwise I just hit the gym.
i got the plastic jaun too
gotta as an xmas present and i hafta say... *%%@ works... well
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