****The Philladelpia Phillies have won the 2008 World Series. Congratulations!****

sigh...no runs
**** this. swing at the first pitch and then a strikeout. All they had to do is put the ball in play and the score would be tied or 2-1
it's safe to say that regradless if the Phillies win the WS or not

next year we need a #2 in front of Myers, he is way too incosistent...HEADCASE

i would def take a shot at Ben Sheets
Ridiculous. Another lead-off double but still no runs on the board. #$!@ isn't going to fly tonight. Hamels isn't on the mound to bail us out tonight.
pull Dobbs and throw Stairs in if all you wanna do is try and hit HR's

this is truly pathetic 0-21 with RISP

IM PISSED RIGHT NOW, I feel like going outside and breaking crap
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