The Psychology Of A Black Man.

Imagine a white woman's rape caught on camera and replayed over and over and over while the DA says the rapist did nothing wrong.

Not sure if the media is reporting the news or sending us a message.

Fam I talk to my Mom about this every day.

She grew up in those times and says it's worse now than it was back then.

She said it was more segregated so they had to take you into the alley / do this kind of thing in secret.

She said they used to wear hoods and masks so you wouldn't know if your supervisor was the one who beat you down last night or if the cop arresting you was the one burning a cross on your neighbor's lawn.

Black people lived around Black people and White people lived around White people.

She said Black people had their own stores, theaters, schools, parks, etc.

They were poor but had their own.

The only white people that would do business with them were Jews.

She said it's MUCH worse now because they do it in broad daylight, not even trying to hide our own neighborhoods.

Back then they KNEW they could only go so far without starting a war.

“I Fear I May Have Integrated My People Into a Burning House” — Martin Luther King Jr.
How old is you mom and where is she from?
I can only speak from my perspective of a mixed bi racial black man. I grew up in rural Kentucky where I encountered lots of racism growing up. I’ve been called the n-word so many times growing up. I broke a kids nose in 4th grade on the school bus for calling my little sister the nword. I always played sports and my senior year a younger lineman had a confederate flag in his locker. The seniors have a ceremony where we burned something personal and sprinkled the ashes on the field and speak on why it’s personal. For this ceremony I wrapped the confederate flag around my cleats and set it on fire. I gave a speech about unity and not being alienating people. I walked in the parking lot that night to find both my front and back bumper on the ground. The n word scratched in the side of the car.. I’m saying this to say that I can’t imagine the racism that people darker than me encounter.

I often feel conflicted being friends with white people as well. I often feel alienated by my own white side of my family.. my own step father is a trump supporter and I can’t stand him. He refuses to acknowledge that this guy is a racist nut job. I make sure to check him at every opportunity. I’m not gonna lie like it doesn’t frustrate me that my white mother won’t check his *** as well. I can say that I do have very down, humble, open family members as well so I don’t think it’s fair to alienate or write of all Caucasian peoples

these murders have had me so angry. That’s the only word I can use for it. I’ve cried multiple times when alone. I’m not too man to admit it. I know it’s crazy to say but when my white uncle posted aboutBreonna Taylor's death in Louisville, I simply simply said African Americans should come together and burn down the police station. I’m not mad about the looting and burnings in the twin cities. You can only oppress people for so long before you get bit back.

I know being mixed is considered by some to not be “black” so I apologize if I’ve over stepped my bounds. Just sharing some of my thoughts and experiences from my perspective.
Imagine a white woman's rape caught on camera and replayed over and over and over while the DA says the rapist did nothing wrong.

Not sure if the media is reporting the news or sending us a message.

Fam I talk to my Mom about this every day.

She grew up in those times and says it's worse now than it was back then.

She said it was more segregated so they had to take you into the alley / do this kind of thing in secret.

She said they used to wear hoods and masks so you wouldn't know if your supervisor was the one who beat you down last night or if the cop arresting you was the one burning a cross on your neighbor's lawn.

Black people lived around Black people and White people lived around White people.

She said Black people had their own stores, theaters, schools, parks, etc.

They were poor but had their own.

The only white people that would do business with them were Jews.

She said it's MUCH worse now because they do it in broad daylight, not even trying to hide our own neighborhoods.

Back then they KNEW they could only go so far without starting a war.

“I Fear I May Have Integrated My People Into a Burning House” — Martin Luther King Jr.


My OG's all say the same thing.

The advent of social media is a whole other treacherous layer we are still learning because it's so damn new

Coded programing and language that are teaching our young children, impressionable teens, and young adults to hate themselves

They have found new evil covert ways to enslave us and instill self hate that television, movies, magazines, and radio could never do before

We actually assimilated to a point to have our own neighborhoods and black Wall Street after Jim Crow

Ironically we have all these black millionaires and even billionaires today ain't no ****ing way that **** is happening now
I’m tired, but I’m not defeated. Wish we had a clear and unified directive of what needs to be done to improve things.

My only hope is that the intensity of this moment doesn’t dwindle and fade out the way it did 4 years ago when Philando Castile and Alton Sterling were murdered.
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Numb to it. It always has been and always will be us vs them. And it’s not to say to approach anyone who isn’t one of us with hate or disdain but the guard can and should never go down. We have more of a responsibility than ever to protect and oversee each other and our own because even those who are sworn to serve and protect will snuff us out like sick cattle. Let’s continue to take care of our women and children black men and put each other on the pedestals we were born to be on. Unity is the most important thing right now and any divide shouldn’t be tolerated. As for the pig who took George Floyd’s life and the piglets that helped the only thing that should be discussed regarding them is how big of a price should be put on their head to take them out. There should be no faith in a justice system that has disrespected us time and time again. An eye for an eye should be the approach with these situations from here on out.
lol, hi.

My mind is kept swift, safe, then at peace through the veneration of my ancestors. If they are pleased with my actions? The opinions of others do not matter, therefore I rest easy.

I kneel at my family altar, and then thank them for their sacrifice, allowing me to be here, and that I hope that I do honor to them, letting them know that I know that they are watching, and I will not waste opportunity to do the right thing for my loved ones, and myself. I am blessed to have two incredibly successful daughters, produced by a great wife, and both parents still present in my life. I am grateful for my success, incredibly so. So I light that candle in thanks for my ancestors at their altar, then giving offerings.

I was very conscious of the tradition that I'd choose, and that is because I saw how the abrahamic faiths were failing many in the Black community, especially Black men. We and our families, have always been under attack since Queen Elizabeth, and then Queen Isabella got wind of our supposed value.

My mind is kept swift, safe, and at peace through the veneration of my ancestors. If they are pleased with my actions? The opinions of others do not matter, therefore I rest easy.

In this frame of thought, I cannot be hit with guilt. If I state something? I own it. If I do something? I own it.
No dogma can eat at my consciousness, because I know exactly who I am, then who I represent. Own it, and never fear who you are, and who you come from.

I am Black, all day, and every night. I am Black on the other side as well, as I am my ancestors and my ancestors are me.

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In her 80s.

Norfolk, VA

I’m not arguing this, but I can’t see this worse than dogs, water hoses, the klan walking the street and town lynchings and burnings. I’m sure stuff like that happened that wasn’t documented. I just been told different
I haven't watched none of these killings over the last few years. The last one I seen was Eric Garner. Sitting down watching that **** does something to me. It's a different type of anger I get. I seen the pic of that cops knee on the brothers neck and that was enough for me.

The fact is these WS are gonna keep doing what they do until they feel some pain. Looking for some sympathy from these people ain't working. It hasn't worked for HUNDREDS of years. This is their nature. They're born into thinking we are their enemy. You're not getting mercy from people that look at your existence as a threat to theirs. Only one way to deal with people like that.
I’m not arguing this, but I can’t see this worse than dogs, water hoses, the klan walking the street and town lynchings and burnings. I’m sure stuff like that happened that wasn’t documented. I just been told different


Some folks prefer lukewarm acceptance over outright rejection.

My Mom and I prefer the later.
I keep seeing “be the change that you want to see”..and I can’t help but to think... if I’m already trying to do the right thing and live right and treat people how I want to be treated etc etc...How can I change people that are willfully ignorant and don’t see THE NEED FOR CHANGE? How can I change people that thinks/ believes my existence is a threat? How can I change people that don’t want to be changed!!?You can can only influence people that thinks/sees you as INFLUENTIAL! How can I change someone who “doesn’t see color”?
Imagine how we felt in the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. No disrespect to those that have passed, but compared to what our grandparents and great grandparents went through this is nothing. They still had kids, they still loved each other, they still lived there, THEY stayed strong. Don’t even let this or anything a non POC does make even hesitate on your path to greatness. If you do, they’ve already won.
I feel it, but at some point real change or something different has to happen tho right?... Of course we gotta keep it pushing but im sure the cats from the 40's lived thru those times thinkin some of the same **** they struggling thru wouldnt be happening now...I dont wanna just live my life then in 2080 dudes STILL gon be having the same convos and having to tough thru the bs...Thats insanity, and one day just surviving shouldnt be enough

tenor (1).gif

THANK YOU for posting this.

Spent way too many posts in the Politics thread yesterday saying this very same thing.

Some folks over there was too cute for it though.

Talking about "policys" and "politics" - ole Joe Biden bammas.

Wish I had this clip - could have saved a lot of back and forth.
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tenor (1).gif

THANK YOU for posting this.

Spent way too many posts in the Politics thread yesterday saying this very same thing.

Some folks over there was too cute for it though.

Talking about "policys" and "politics" - ole Joe Biden bammas.

Wish I had this clip - could have saved a lot of back and forth.

I wouldn’t give van ALL that credit tho :lol:. He essentially repurposed MLK, letter to Birmingham and Malcolm x points on White moderates. But added “liberal & Hillary to it” to set it off. That was intentional. It was slick. And he knows what he’s doing.

The reality is...White people are white people at the end of the day. And they’re for sure stand for complacency and slow progress, and fear of the other. Even the Good white liberals do MOVE the ball, but they too have blind spots, and fall into this at times too. But a good white progressive IS helpful to a black agenda. We shouldn’t rely on them, but don’t fall for the slick talk....of a black face giving comfort to the real threat of the racist. They in their incel/alt right circles...talking about Van Jones is “red pilling” on CNN. Just type it in, on Twitter :lol:. KNow what the finesse is.

That said....what he’s saying is a slick way to give white conservatives cover over their aggressive POLICY shifting, court changing racism, anti black racism. It’s insulting, and feeds this notion that blacks people are too dumb and sheep to know who the “real racist” are. That’s where this comes from.

Van is the same guy that will happily praise trump tossing black people a representative bone....while on the other hand...filling the courts up with racist judges..using Jeff sessions and bill Barr to role back civil rights, concentrate white wealth and power and create an even stronger apartheid state...when a chance to make political gains are starting to become reachable through demographic and attitude changes.

The goal of van is to feed your RIGHTFUL anger and cynicism....and make you not a participant. Create apathy. Fall into “both sides-ism”.

This convo is less about “liberals and conservatives” and more about society, structural racism than what van oddly pivots too. We know that. He ain’t say nun new.

Van is operating near Candace Owens spaces lately. Trust me.
I wouldn’t give van ALL that credit tho :lol:. He essentially repurposed MLK, letter to Birmingham and Malcolm x points on White moderates. But added “liberal & Hillary to it” to set it off. That was intentional. It was slick. And he knows what he’s doing.

The reality is...White people are white people at the end of the day. And they’re for sure stand for complacency and slow progress, and fear of the other. Even the Good white liberals do MOVE the ball, but they too have blind spots, and fall into this at times too. But a good white progressive IS helpful to a black agenda. We shouldn’t rely on them, but don’t fall for the slick talk....of a black face giving comfort to the real threat of the racist. They in their incel/alt right circles...talking about Van Jones is “red pilling” on CNN. Just type it in, on Twitter :lol:. KNow what the finesse is.

That said....what he’s saying is a slick way to give white conservatives cover over their aggressive POLICY shifting, court changing racism, anti black racism. It’s insulting, and feeds this notion that blacks people are too dumb and sheep to know who the “real racist” are. That’s where this comes from.

Van is the same guy that will happily praise trump tossing black people a representative bone....while on the other hand...filling the courts up with racist judges..using Jeff sessions and bill Barr to role back civil rights, concentrate white wealth and power and create an even stronger apartheid state...when a chance to make political gains are starting to become reachable through demographic and attitude changes.

The goal of van is to feed your RIGHTFUL anger and cynicism....and make you not a participant. Create apathy. Fall into “both sides-ism”.

This convo is less about “liberals and conservatives” and more about society, structural racism than what van oddly pivots too. We know that. He ain’t say nun new.

Van is operating near Candace Owens spaces lately. Trust me.

Oh my bad...edited.

I was talking about kingfoamnyc kingfoamnyc post:

Screw Van Jones.
To quote myself from the George Floyd thread:

For me I've reached the point where I can't watch these videos anymore

The secondhand trauma has worn me down over time

I just don't watch the videos anymore. I feel a sense of guilt not getting the details but at the same time, I know it's better for me to not have that imagery circulate in my head. Saying you know the reality of the anti-black atmosphere in this country is one thing, to actually embrace and live it is another. It's impacting my relations with non-black people in general. I've got people close to me who aren't black, but the collective mindsets of non-black groups is what has me on the paranoid at times. I fully appreciate those who genuinely are trying to make change, but I even take the social media support from non-black people with a grain of salt when it comes from them, as it's a big contrast from what I see and experience in the real world. Wish that weren't the case, but the constant injustice takes a toll in a way words will never help someone who doesn't live it understand. It's the smaller things, the microagressions that build up overtime, that force me to reach this point. Hope you guys cope will with all of this, gonna read the whole thread.
Great thread kingfoamnyc kingfoamnyc .

I usually don’t voice my feelings online about sensitive subjects like this but I’d feel remiss if I didn’t share my thoughts.

I’m scared tbh. I’m scared that if I leave the house I might never come home again. Not because I got hit by car while walking or driving, not because of some freak accident but because of the color of my skin & some racist cop.
As we all know no one is born racist, it’s something that’s taught. It just blows my mind you can dislike someone all because they’re a different color than you. I’ll never understand it.

I pray for better days. Stay safe my NT family.
I don't get upset about things like this anymore in the sense that I think I should go protest. I know, as everyone else should, that it won't change anything with the system. No matter how much black spending power you think you can withhold, or how many streets you can occupy, or how many times you "cancel" someone... Only the death of people involved will put urgency into the others actions.

I'm not a terrorist. I have a child to protect so it's an agenda that I am not willing to sacrifice myself for this cause but never forget there are people out there....

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