the silent treatment vol. speak on it

It works, but if you ignore it...Their plan backfires 
Originally Posted by CWrite78

it's okay if you're a 12 year old girl.

one of my co workers is pulling this crap to us.

48 year old man acting like a little girl, pathetic.

came to post something along these lines.

How do you think this is ok when you're a grown #+@ person, slap to the face is what you need.
Immaturity at its finest. No time for ppl like that. Ignore/silence gets you deaded in my book.
Usually ill forget to ever talk to them again

silent treatment usually means death in my reality
Originally Posted by MrBrown

Usually ill forget to ever talk to them again

silent treatment usually means death in my reality

I work with this girl tho (not my career) but still
If I smash a chick on a drunken night...and I wake up knowing what I did...the silent treatment goes on then eventually she gets the picture. Pretty much only applies to the ugly girls though.

I give no response to texts and the phone calls don't get picked up. That's why you should always wear a rubber...because if you don't wear one then you still have to remain in contact with that person until you get word back on the period and all that other unnecessary communication.

Silent treatment ftw.
Silent Treatment when you are dishing it is awesome.

That and getting even with chicks gets them bothered big time
a homie I ran into last night gave me good advice..see her when you see her.
don't reach out or give in, it just gives her a reason to use the silent treatment again

he said shes either doing it because she needs space, or she wants you to chase.
its not my job to read her mind..just play it cool, and address it when the opportunity
arises, don't try to force an opportunity.
Originally Posted by el cuco

It's all fun and games til its done to you....and every time you get a text you just hope its that person... 
Truth. My ex-girl of 9 years has done that to me a year ago when we broke up. It's like damn, I can't even get a Hi or a hello.

Just wanted a few words to get in since I had stuff at her place I needed to get. I gave up on that since I have to speak through other people just to get a message to her which I find annoying.
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