The Social Network dir. David Fincher - film about the creation of Facebook

this film was
. It did not seem like it was 2 hrs long. i thought their was more to the film till the credits started rollin'
Really good movie. It's flawless, but not perfect. It was kind of fast how they jumped to having nice offices all of a sudden.

I really enjoyed Eduardo's character, though. I know you guys seem impressed with Mark's character portrayal, but I think Eduardo's is a little harder to pull off and so the actor that played him did a more impressive job. I actually believed the guy was pissed. Hell, I was pissed.

I also really liked the Winklevi. Those guys were so obviously a pun on the old school 80's movie bully. When I saw them I immediately thought "wow, they look like Frank Zapka clones", but the ironic thing is they were intent on not being bullies. They specifically said they don't want to be ungentlemanly and don't want to chase Mark around like in the Karate Kid and beat him up. That was really cool.
Really good movie. It's flawless, but not perfect. It was kind of fast how they jumped to having nice offices all of a sudden.

I really enjoyed Eduardo's character, though. I know you guys seem impressed with Mark's character portrayal, but I think Eduardo's is a little harder to pull off and so the actor that played him did a more impressive job. I actually believed the guy was pissed. Hell, I was pissed.

I also really liked the Winklevi. Those guys were so obviously a pun on the old school 80's movie bully. When I saw them I immediately thought "wow, they look like Frank Zapka clones", but the ironic thing is they were intent on not being bullies. They specifically said they don't want to be ungentlemanly and don't want to chase Mark around like in the Karate Kid and beat him up. That was really cool.
Originally Posted by hymen man

Inception still the best movie of the year. This was pretty good too, I can't take JT serious as an actor though even though I'm a fan of his, dude just really didn't fit for me. I felt bad for Eduardo.

Couldn't agree more. I couldn't help but laugh at his character in Alpha Dog.
Originally Posted by hymen man

Inception still the best movie of the year. This was pretty good too, I can't take JT serious as an actor though even though I'm a fan of his, dude just really didn't fit for me. I felt bad for Eduardo.

Couldn't agree more. I couldn't help but laugh at his character in Alpha Dog.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

I really enjoyed Eduardo's character, though. I know you guys seem impressed with Mark's character portrayal, but I think Eduardo's is a little harder to pull off and so the actor that played him did a more impressive job. 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Agreed.[/color]
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

I really enjoyed Eduardo's character, though. I know you guys seem impressed with Mark's character portrayal, but I think Eduardo's is a little harder to pull off and so the actor that played him did a more impressive job. 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Agreed.[/color]
Originally Posted by SCuse7

I'm still really interested by all of it.

Amazing how Eduardo and Mark had such different views on Parker...and he really did him dirty.
Yeah, Eduardo definitely got screwed.  But at the end of the day, Mark and Sean Parker were right about how to make money off Facebook.  Going the advertising route would have killed it a little bit.  Still, the way the cut his interest down to nothing was just wrong. 
Originally Posted by SCuse7

I'm still really interested by all of it.

Amazing how Eduardo and Mark had such different views on Parker...and he really did him dirty.
Yeah, Eduardo definitely got screwed.  But at the end of the day, Mark and Sean Parker were right about how to make money off Facebook.  Going the advertising route would have killed it a little bit.  Still, the way the cut his interest down to nothing was just wrong. 
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