the thread about nothing...

just watched TMNT, i didn't have high expectations so i wasn't disappointed
Will pass

actions scenes are great.

too much april / megan fox though.

i want to see the turtles, not you *****.



baby sound intro >>>
Please don't cape for that wack *** system :lol

It was mediocre , word to sherman
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SSBM, PSO, Timesplitters 2, Viewtiful Joe, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, RE4, Wind Waker.... GameCube had hits.
Still don't get how the OG color of the cube was purple, plus the handle :{ It was great if you were a vikings fan. :lol
I had the silver one. Still don't know why Nintendo thought a ******* handle would be a good idea :lol
GameCube could've went places if they didn't chose that wack *** medium :lol
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before you smash, you have to show her the goat
Unlimited sodium right now cause I forgot to set my dvr again. Would be easier to remember if I actually watched tv in my bedroom
Edit: just set it up
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