the thread about nothing...

Just a random question struck me while thinking of winter, which do you prefer: winter vest or jacket? Why? To elaborate the question, which would you prefer for everyday use like going to work/school etc. thanks fam
Why would you EVER want a winter vest? For practical everyday where, if you're in a cold area I dont see how you couldnt go with a jacket
Yeah, that's a silly @~! question fam...
Rita Ora is gorgeous, Kid Cudi sucks.
 i kno your entitled to your own opinion but any explanation as to why he sucks?
I honestly dont have a single Kid Cudi song that I mess with, it all sounds horrible to me. I will give him his credit because he does his thing well enough to gather a sizeable following but I think he is horrible. Theres a really short list of artists that I flat out do not mess with and he is on it.

you might be on to something with this we'd be friends in real life stuff

Yup. Kindred spirits man I'm telling you.
Are there any NTer's y'all would like to meet in real life? #broquestion 
Yup a ton of them. That post above tells you that WhyHelloThere is on my list, Ksteezy, Peep Game, iYen, Deuce King, MMG, SKARed, Do Be Doo, it honestly wouldnt be an issue to meet any of the frequent posters on here.
that halo thread brought back way to many memories, i had to go look this up

my old screen shot ah 2kills at once 
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why in the hell did i buy these back in 2008?


For a hot second I thought those were P. Miller's :lol:

Has anybody actually listened to Twerkteam rap? I listened to about 20 seconds of them rapping over "Actin Up" and I just had this ":rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes" look on my face
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