the thread about nothing...

Scarface is wildly overrated

Scarface is quite possibly the most overrated movie ever.... I can appreciate the rags to riches aspect, but the storytelling itself is awful. I really think most people say they like just because they think its the cool thing to say or something.

Acting from everyone in he film is mediocre

Pacinos fake Cuban accent was absolutely terrible

Poorly written dialogue with virtually no realistic person to person interaction.

Very little character development. As Tony moves up from nothing to becoming the Kingpin, he still remains the same egotistical cartoon of a person the entire film.. There is even less backstory and development for everyone else in the movie. There are huge gaps and they dont even bother to explain how his wife goes from hating him to being married to him.

Full of cheesy one liners that sound like their straight out of a campy Schwarzenegger film.

....And don't even get me started on that got damn synthesized sound effect whenever they do a closeup shot of Tony feeling some kind of way... Its literally like something straight out of a terrible b-grade monster movie. Like wtf ? :rolllin Absolutely comical.
Oh you one of them ny ****** huh....

Yall dont want it wit these texas boys

Yall still gota buy yalls dope from us so ***** ***** what you talkin bout.

Thats a pimp c lyric you idiot.
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Al Pacino did a tremendous job in that movie. Lol dude giving a dissertation about how horrible it was. :ROLLIN

Pacino was the only decent thing about the movie and even his performance was mediocre at best. His attempt at a Cuban accent was absolutely terrible, bordering on offensive. But I'll cut him some slack because its not like Stone gave him much to work with in terms of storyline or script.

Tony was written as a completely one dimensional character who remained nothing more than the same psychotic cartoon of a human being from start to finish. The entire story was focused exclusively on him with no other storyarchs or subplots that you would find in any halfway decent film. There were no other real characters in the movie, the rest of the cast were used as nothing more than plot devices. Their only purpose in the movie was to move the story along faster and act as outlets for Tony to showcase his rage and insanity. Like I said earlier, there is NO back story to any of the other characters and very little back story on Tony. The movie just skips over large sections of time with no explanation ie His gf hating him in one scene and being married to him in the next.

Cinematically the movie is bad.... very bad... maybe even so bad its good (ala 1970s grindhouse films)... but the fact people are actually attempting to justify this movie from a film making standpoint is proof positive that is quite possibly the single most overrated movie in the history of cinema.
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