the thread about nothing...


Just saw a picture of this girl I am talking to. Not sure if want anymore.
how did you not know what she looked like before? were you just hammered when you got her number?
I see her often. Sober too.

The pictures just make her look like a 6. Looks like an 8 in person.
c'mon son..

If she's an 8 in person then the pics don't eem matter.. There are 4s out there that take pictures looking like 9s fam 
 you want them instead?
Just saw a picture of this girl I am talking to. Not sure if want anymore.
how did you not know what she looked like before? were you just hammered when you got her number?
I see her often. Sober too.

The pictures just make her look like a 6. Looks like an 8 in person.
c'mon son..

If she's an 8 in person then the pics don't eem matter.. There are 4s out there that take pictures looking like 9s fam 
 you want them instead?

Ill take an 8 person and 4-5 in pics, less online simpage :pimp:

Carver how's everything going with your sis dude? :nerd: and how's the pregnancy coming along :nerd:
Carver how's everything going with your sis dude?
and how's the pregnancy coming along
Same with my sister, she actually took the baby over to my bros house once when she went over there to cut his hair.. that was the only time.. and I haven't seen the baby yet.. 

As far as my lady's pregnancy it's going well thankfully.. She just hit 18 weeks yesterday and Nov. 9th we should be able to find out the sex of the baby which will be an exciting time.. will update tan fam with the results come the 9th 
.. hoping for a boy because I don't wanna worry about a girl when she grows up and boys 
.. and yeah, that's pretty much it fam.

What's going on with you broski.. last I seen you were trying to join the marines or some ishh for 40k a year
Carver how's everything going with your sis dude?
and how's the pregnancy coming along

Same with my sister, she actually took the baby over to my bros house once when she went over there to cut his hair.. that was the only time.. and I haven't seen the baby yet.. 

As far as my lady's pregnancy it's going well thankfully.. She just hit 18 weeks yesterday and Nov. 9th we should be able to find out the sex of the baby which will be an exciting time.. will update tan fam with the results come the 9th 
.. hoping for a boy because I don't wanna worry about a girl when she grows up and boys 
.. and yeah, that's pretty much it fam.

What's going on with you broski.. last I seen you were trying to join the marines or some ishh for 40k a year

Hopefully your sister comes around dude :\

I'm happy that everything is going well with the pregnancy. You seem like a stand up dude and I send you and your girl best wises man.

As for me trying to figure out life, mid 20s without a plan and it's starting to worry me, by my next birthday I just want to be in the path for something, some type of goal set. :\
I think she'll come through eventually but not gonna hold my breath.. And thanks fam

I have told NT and Coworkers now to tell mom and the rest of the real fam 
I think I'm going to wait til the 9th and just send pics of ultrasound or something and let it be out
I feel like when im baked stuff happens that wluldnt normally happen. Like just now /
music choice told me that if Jeezy wasnt rapping he would be an entreprneur. Or the girl whi sat next to me in xlass wh told me that ahe loves sex? Um baked


Cliffs ?

Sorry bros, typing was NOT working for me last night

but like I was saying, I was high sitting in class, and this really wack girl who sat next to me just leaned over and told me "I love sex" why would that ever happen? I feel like that honestly wouldnt happen if I was sober. Or the trivia that was coming on Music Choice yesterday, some of it was so ridiculous that I just felt like if I was sober it wouldnt happen. I feel like when you're baked, you open yourself up to the more ridiculous things that happen in life.

Another example, I was invited over this girls crib yesterday to smoke and drink. The girl asked me if I had a friend for her girl, and she told me that her girl was really sexy. I was already baked when I got there, and when I walked in I was so confused. 1 of her friends was built like a bowling ball, and the other one was this really flamboyant gay dude who was big as hell, dude looked like a line backer or something no karamo. And the gay dude (mind you, I dont mind gay people at all, they're 100% cool to me) kept offering to make me a glass of water, and kept pouring me extra shots and stuff. LIKE WHY WOULD THAT HAPPEN EXCEPT THAT I WAS HIGH? THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN!
Damm :x

I hope you didn't pass out during your visit :nerd:

Lol the crazy part, I was going to go to sleep on her couch, but I just decided to bounce and go to the crib lol. No homophobia, but you can never trust a drunk persons inhibitions
Do any of you actually stay close to an ex's siblings or parents? My cousin just broke up with his girl of 2 yrs a week ago but still chills with her brother a lot :lol: I dunno I thought that was kinda odd, I've never stayed that close to an ex's siblings I mean I stay cool with them and haven't had any terrible breakups yet but I don't think I could remain tight homeboys with an ex gf's brother like that and chill once things ended with their sister *shrugs*
really hate when girls use emojis on instagram/twitter/text... only thing i dislike about having an android
I can get the emojis.. download GoSMS and you can download them.. almost sure that's what you're talking about

@Lyon I couldn't do it.. even if me and the bro were mad tight.. it would be weird imo
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Havent' talked to the ex in about a month...completely cut her off when she got a new bf. (6 year relationship she basically left me for another dude).

Yesterday she must have been stalking my twitter and the bish favorited a tweet of mine saying "everything changes". Stupid bish stop twitter stalking leave me alone. Ol trying to interject into my life for no reason to see if you can get a reaction. eff off
Havent' talked to the ex in about a month...completely cut her off when she got a new bf. (6 year relationship she basically left me for another dude).
Yesterday she must have been stalking my twitter and the bish favorited a tweet of mine saying "everything changes". Stupid bish stop twitter stalking leave me alone. Ol trying to interject into my life for no reason to see if you can get a reaction. eff off
And it seems like she succeeded. Pay her no mind my dude.
Havent' talked to the ex in about a month...completely cut her off when she got a new bf. (6 year relationship she basically left me for another dude).

Yesterday she must have been stalking my twitter and the bish favorited a tweet of mine saying "everything changes". Stupid bish stop twitter stalking leave me alone. Ol trying to interject into my life for no reason to see if you can get a reaction. eff off

Block her beoseph.

My and my ex were going in this back and forth thing till I basically cut all ties and just flipped it on her.
Havent' talked to the ex in about a month...completely cut her off when she got a new bf. (6 year relationship she basically left me for another dude).

Yesterday she must have been stalking my twitter and the bish favorited a tweet of mine saying "everything changes". Stupid bish stop twitter stalking leave me alone. Ol trying to interject into my life for no reason to see if you can get a reaction. eff off
That's foul.. block her from yourself your social media block her *** from everything.. she definitely trying to get a reaction or something out of you.. best thing to do is move along and don't eem acknowledge the trick no tweets no subliminal shots no nothing
Havent' talked to the ex in about a month...completely cut her off when she got a new bf. (6 year relationship she basically left me for another dude).

Yesterday she must have been stalking my twitter and the bish favorited a tweet of mine saying "everything changes". Stupid bish stop twitter stalking leave me alone. Ol trying to interject into my life for no reason to see if you can get a reaction. eff off

And it seems like she succeeded. Pay her no mind my dude.

:lol: of course she did....but she will never know it. Thats why i just post frustration here :smokin

i dont' have facebook and im not much for twitter....i tweet like once every week maybe some retweets here and there about the skins. She will get no satisfaction from anything i like to stay off the map as much as possible.
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