the thread about nothing...

Watched the new Terminator last night.
Man, the action, vfx is TOP NOTCH. But as always with this series, it's the human element that bogs it down.
Get ready to cringe whenever that short Lil girl opens her mouth.
Solid C+
Watched the new Terminator last night.
Man, the action, vfx is TOP NOTCH. But as always with this series, it's the human element that bogs it down.
Get ready to cringe whenever that short Lil girl opens her mouth.
Solid C+

Agreed. She was cute tho

They did really good with the anti aging vfx
Basically yeah.
I don't know the details of your friendship. But this is what I suggest, you give him an ultimatum saying you are tired of this borrowing and you will no longer put up with it. There is no nice or polite way to say this, but be as cordial as possible. So digital communication will not be the way to go because you cannot convey your tone. This will obviously go one of two ways, he will understand/agree or part ways. You have to determine if you are fine with either outcome.
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This girl I work with told me she went on some site and came to an arrangement with some guy to be her sugar daddy. They met up the other night, did whatever, and now he was supposed to Venmo her some $$ but he never did :rofl::rofl: got em!

Im about to go sign up and see if there’s any lonely old ladies out there :nerd: :nerd:
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