the thread about nothing...

Random YouTube recommendation: 5 things to never put on your face
5. Bar Soap
4. Petroleum Jelly
3. Body Moisturizer
2. Rubbing Alcohol
1. Semen :rofl:
This girl I work with told me she went on some site and came to an arrangement with some guy to be her sugar daddy. They met up the other night, did whatever, and now he was supposed to Venmo her some $$ but he never did :rofl::rofl: got em!

Im about to go sign up and see if there’s any lonely old ladies out there :nerd: :nerd:
What was the amount they agreed on? Did they do this?
Picked up a pair of Adidas Crazy BYW at Marshall’s for $34.99 in the white/white-ice soles colorway.

They wanted $39.99 for the black/white-red pair for some reason so I left them. Was funny to see the same exact product side by side with a $5 increase.
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That wasn’t punishment tho, that was training. Point is, it’s not “messed up”, it’s badassery in the making.
I peep the other vids. I'm aware the kid is being trained. Hopefully he grow up as a protector of good and not evil.

I'm just saying a kid should be worrying about being a kid and enjoying his childhood. I'm no parent, and all types of parenting approaches is subjective imo. So hopefully it makes him happy.
My only thing with king-fu ... does it really works in an actually fight?

or, now it’s more so an art form?
It sounded like they did but I didn’t ask out right. She said they never even agreed to an exact number or anything :lol: ..she’s super naive I think she’s like 19 or 20
Damn. What made her feel safe to meet up with a stranger? Hope she was at least wise enough to have "backup".
Yep it works exactly till your opponent decides to use gun-fu.

Word to this post.

I just watched a video where dude got straight molly wop trying that kung fu with a street fight.

I guess it’s all the depends on the moment when your opponent is defenseless - not on guard.
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