the thread about nothing...

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Can anyone recommend a <$75 Bluetooth speaker? Decided it's best i hit the showers at work, but it's all doom/gloom out here..I need some bass!
it just so happens that i left my job on the first week of march, then the pandemic announcement happened a week later, and a lockdown on the same week. it's been a month and while i don't mind getting a job that offers work from home, it seems that i'll be having a very hard time trying to apply to a new company. i feel like waiting this out but if i did, finding a job would be near close to impossible once the pandemic dies down.

idk, but i still don't regret leaving my previous company. once i left, **** around me started to go down :lol:
I haven’t. I cannot stand the cold. Is it suppose to be better?
growing out my beard. i can get past the ugly phase cause of this quarantine lol.

any tips?
Don't trim or shape your beard for the next 30-40 days to see your uneven growth areas.

I've been wanting to try and grow a mustache. Wife won't allow me lol
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