the thread about nothing...

I need a scientific explanation for this
I guess the audio actually says brainstorm but it's so scrambled that our brain is wired to clean it up and make sense of it. So if we think or see one word, that's what we hear.

"As Dr. Kevin Franck, director of audiology at Massachusetts Eye and Ear, told TIMEin reference to the great Yanny vs Laurel debate, what you hear “all comes down to the brain.” He said, “The fact that brains go in one way and some brains go in the other means that we’re all just wired a bit differently based on our experiences.”

“The brain is built to turn messy signals into meaning,” he says. “It just will not give you ambiguity.”

“Basically, you are priming your brain to expect acoustic patterns that match expected patterns for a particular word. When faced with an acoustic signal which is somewhat ambiguous because it is low-quality or noisy, your brain attempts a ‘best fit’ between what is heard and the expected word."
damn is there something wrong with me since i could only hear brainstorm regardless of what i read? RIP friscostylez
Try to cover up both words with your finger. Don't read them. Just think and repeat the word Green Needle in your head as the sound is coming. See if that might work.
Sold something on Craigslist....

is it best to meet somewhere public or should I have the dude meet me at my house?
Hella variables lol

Depending how much $, size of the item, type of neighborhood, etc
I meet people either at my crib, at the grocery store parking lot, or the police station parking lot. Sometimes I just leave it out and tell em leave the money under the mat lol
Hella variables lol

Depending how much $, size of the item, type of neighborhood, etc
I meet people either at my crib, at the grocery store parking lot, or the police station parking lot. Sometimes I just leave it out and tell em leave the money under the mat lol

it’s a 40lb monolift cup that goes on a rack. The red thing.
The price I sold it for is $290.
I would assume he wants to test it to make sure it works before he buys it so I was thinking about giving him my address.

it’s a 40lb monolift cup that goes on a rack. The red thing.
The price I sold it for is $290.
I would assume he wants to test it to make sure it works before he buys it so I was thinking about giving him my address.

If it was me I’d meet at my house

you could call him, I’m sure after a quick convo you’d either know it’s fine or it’s not fine
it’s a 40lb monolift cup that goes on a rack. The red thing.
The price I sold it for is $290.
I would assume he wants to test it to make sure it works before he buys it so I was thinking about giving him my address.

that's a house meetup item :lol: that, vehicle's, furniture, etc.
Hey guys happy Monday. So with everything being so different this year is anyone doing something for Halloween? and if you are what will you be dressing up as?
I've heard of people hiding candy throughout their homes for their kids to find. Not sure of any adult activities with groups and stuff
One of my female cousins had one of those dogs, and the lil mofo used to bark at me for no reason. I love dogs but there's certain dog breeds I don't F with and those are one of them.

My male cousin had a pitbull, and a pitbull/labrador mix dog (the pitbull's son). Those dogs were cool, everytime I visited them, they would just jump on me with excitement, wagging their tails and licking my face, man I loved them so much. I have a lot of good memories with those dogs. One winter my cousin threw out his cabinet. I took one of the doors and went to the park to go sled riding. I threw a stick while holding on to the dog's leash, and he slide me down the hill. We did it a couple of times and I had a lot of fun doing that.
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