the thread about nothing...


This man here deserves way more acknowledgement.

Curt Flood.
I just got the most random scam call. Some lady with a very deep Middle Eastern accent claimed to be a Customs and Border Patrol officer named Rebecca Wilson, even gave me a badge number, said the USPS ceased a package with my name on it and 100k cash, 250k in various drugs, guns, fake ids and ss cards, then goes on to tell me all the Gov agencies involved in my investigation and that are recording and listening in right now and if I get rude or interrupt her I'll be arrested. Its an obvious phishing attempt but it was entertaining so I let it proceed then I started getting sarcastic with her and she snipped at me a few times and claimed I'd be arrested within 15 minutes and hung up so I didnt give her long enough to get to the part where she was going to ask for money. i was trying to figure out the angle of how they were going to get there
:lol: :lol: :lol:. I have watched a lot of these scammers on Kitboga's channel on youtube. you should have continued with the charade and pretended to be scared and acted dumb. funniest video I've seen was allowing the scammers to browse thru his supposed nude folder which contained nothing more than pictures of mole rats, lol. he was trying so hard to contain his laugh as the scammers were bewildered by what they saw.
on a serious note, my folks almost got scammed by these scumbags when I just finished college and was looking for a job. this was the time that we were strapped on cash and desperate. parents got an anonymous phone call and text saying they've won like a million bucks and only had to give some information and sort of a deposit ($1,000 iirc) in bank account for confirmation. so glad I got home in time before they got to the bank. the look of excitement on their faces when they told me the news and their faces turned sick to their stomach once I brought them the news that it was all a scam. I was so furious with these scumbags.
another scam story that I experienced was that the scammer mistakenly used the company that I was working for in the scam. I replied saying, "I'll ask my manager for my prize personally since I'm in the company's office right now". the scammer immediately hanged up. lol.
What was the reasoning behind getting married at McDonald’s, if you don’t mind me asking?
Как ты Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee , как прошла твоя неделя? Думаю, у меня все прошло хорошо, если вам интересно. Моя машина стоит в магазине, но в целом все прошло хорошо.

повернуть вверх.
I’m sure I posted this kind of recently in here but anyway today is 44 years of marriage for my parents who got married at McDonald’s lol. McDonald’s actually posted this today , one step closer to a commercial maybe lol

Cool a55 post...

So is that you in the pic?
Are your parents still together? Have you ask them about taking a pic now at that same McDonald's?
I’m sure I posted this kind of recently in here but anyway today is 44 years of marriage for my parents who got married at McDonald’s lol. McDonald’s actually posted this today , one step closer to a commercial maybe lol

I mean this with all respect...yo mama was fine as hell.

Your sister look like blue ivy.

The amount you guys look like each other (father to son and mother to daughter) is dope as ****.

Black love>>>>>>>
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