the thread about nothing...

I always have a mini hand sanitizer whenever I go to a public place now, and it’s something that we really should’ve been doing the whole time. Who knows where people’s hands have been.

I've always imagined/feared something like this happening during an NBA game. My mind usually wanders to worst outcome scenarios in large gatherings.
You ever drive on an empty highway next to a cliff & just wonder what would happen if you drove off that cliff? Or if someone driving like a bat outta hell going 80+mph hits you head on? Idk, I'm not suicidal or crazy but my mind also automatically starts wondering about these things at times...must be a maq thang :lol:
My sister found out I was atheist today (she asked me was I saved)
And I was like wtf are you talking about
And it slid into did I believe at all

Weird convo but it could have been worst

She said she would be praying for me

And since she does a lot of church work herself
She asked if I thought what she does was pointless and to that I told her no because regardless of how I feel about religion it doesn’t negate what she does and the positive outcome for those like her who do
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