the thread about nothing...

That’s a very flawed way to look at something. It doesn’t take into account how many of each ethnic group there are or where they primarily live. Indians for examples pretty much live in New York, Cali, and Texas. That’s 2 of the highest cost of living states so of course any job they have is going to be high salary comparatively + most / large amount of Indian immigrants were already doctors or engineers when they first came here. Hate stuff like this that’s divisive with no context helps no one. Even the flags used make no sense lol why do some of them have US flags and others don’t.
regardless of the graph, does it atleast hold true in general or overall perception?
Anyone ever **** with fasting? Been needing to lose a fair amount of weight for awhile and have just not been able to bring myself to stick to any crazy diets or exercise program, but for some reason fasting works. I kinda dove in head first and have just been eating a normal meal and then not eating anything for 2-4 days, then having a normal meal, and then fasting again immediately. Doing that along with cutting out energy drinks and sodas has got me feeling more alert and energetic, sleeping better, and saving tons of cash. When you start to realize that hunger is such a mental thing, and you know it will quickly pass, it really isn't a factor. I really only cut a fast short because I've got plans with friends or have something stuck in my mind that I want to eat. Once I get down to normal human weight (and my body doesn't have the extra fat to burn) I'll probably transition to something like One Meal A Day or something, but I'm loving it for now. Lost 20 pounds in a few weeks with no increase in physical activity and no negatives at the moment. **** is legit.
You have to be careful with fasting often - the quicker the weight comes off, the quicker it will comes back.

I suggest perhaps one meal a day.


Watch your calories count. Cut out sugar, red meat, juices - drink water.


Do strength conditioning. Cardio - either HITT 2-3x a week for 18-20 mins. Or,, 3 days on a treadmill with a steep climb and walk for 45 mins - doesn’t have to be fast pace but atleast enough to hold a convo.
The type of job i have i couldn't imagine not eating for 4 days at a time. Im not a healthy dude by anymeans but I cut out soda a few months back and dropped 15 pounds by not doing anything but that. I was amazed, i could stand to maybe 8-10 more so maybe next step all sugar, and maybe bread and now that im not smoking weed hopefully ill get my mojo back and get a little more active. Just worried dropping all my vices in rapid succession will backfire 🤣🤷🏾‍♂️
Anyone ever **** with fasting? Been needing to lose a fair amount of weight for awhile and have just not been able to bring myself to stick to any crazy diets or exercise program, but for some reason fasting works. I kinda dove in head first and have just been eating a normal meal and then not eating anything for 2-4 days, then having a normal meal, and then fasting again immediately. Doing that along with cutting out energy drinks and sodas has got me feeling more alert and energetic, sleeping better, and saving tons of cash. When you start to realize that hunger is such a mental thing, and you know it will quickly pass, it really isn't a factor. I really only cut a fast short because I've got plans with friends or have something stuck in my mind that I want to eat. Once I get down to normal human weight (and my body doesn't have the extra fat to burn) I'll probably transition to something like One Meal A Day or something, but I'm loving it for now. Lost 20 pounds in a few weeks with no increase in physical activity and no negatives at the moment. **** is legit.
I did. although I stopped last year which was a problem. could have been around consistently 180 lbs. by now if I continued with it. having said that, the process has gotten slow since I injured my neck and leg last year. haven't restarted with HIIT since the soreness on my leg and neck has been recurring once in a while. true, fasting helps. I'd get to it once I set my priorities straight.
Don't go overboard with the fasting because fasting decreases gallbladder movement, which causes the bile to become overconcentrated with cholesterol, leading to gallstones.

16:8 is ideal for most folks. 18:6 is pushing it.

Anything more than that and the risk / reward level drops.
Don't go overboard with the fasting because fasting decreases gallbladder movement, which causes the bile to become overconcentrated with cholesterol, leading to gallstones.

16:8 is ideal for most folks. 18:6 is pushing it.

Anything more than that and the risk / reward level drops.

I did hear about that. The study I read was done on only done with a group of less than 10 women and the study said that the risk may increase in 10-20 hours fasts but this effect is countered by a more prolonged fast. They were also not heavily limiting carbs in their diets. At a certain point the gallbladder stopped concentrating bile and drains and replaces the more concentrated bile. I think there is a similar spike in insulin early in a fast that drops after a certain period when your body switches over to burn stored fat. (I went a bit down a rabbit hole before I dove in)
The type of job i have i couldn't imagine not eating for 4 days at a time. Im not a healthy dude by anymeans but I cut out soda a few months back and dropped 15 pounds by not doing anything but that. I was amazed, i could stand to maybe 8-10 more so maybe next step all sugar, and maybe bread and now that im not smoking weed hopefully ill get my mojo back and get a little more active. Just worried dropping all my vices in rapid succession will backfire 🤣🤷🏾‍♂️
It was the calorie deficit
Most people say that’s what you need to lose weight in general
I work out 5 days a week lift three days with cardio2 days in between

Just trying to switch out my diet
I couldn’t eat once a day at work so my second meal is some fruit and protein shakes

I tried to order some golden chick from Uber eats saw it was 2000 calories and canceled it I don’t eve. Burn that many calories in a 8 hour shift :lol: :lol:
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