the thread about nothing...

Scarlett backed Flowerpecker
This is crazy. I just passed this last Saturday and was thinking about a possible fire with all the bikes laying around

This is like the 4th or 5th one of this year. What's going on with these E-bikes & their batteries? Are they programmed to self destruct after an X amount of time?
This is like the 4th or 5th one of this year. What's going on with these E-bikes & their batteries? Are they programmed to self destruct after an X amount of time?
There is no regulation on how the batteries are built in order to reduce/minimize the fires and stop them from spreading rapidly

Cheaply built batteries made in china have flooded the market
There is no regulation on how the batteries are built in order to reduce/minimize the fires and stop them from spreading rapidly

Cheaply built batteries made in china have flooded the market
I saw on the news people try to re-build the battery instead of getting a new one...It's cheaper that way I'm sure. Thing is these types of mom n pop repair shops are in almost every nyc neighborhood. Them batteries are a ticking timebomb :smh:.
I remember when those e-skateboards were catching fire too. Dangerous ****
Oh are you talking about them hoverboards?
Random thoughts…remembering them nights as a kid being up super late and coming across a Twilight Zone, 3 Stooges, or I Love Lucy marathon and falling in love with these shows. There were some others too. That cartoon Christian show use to get me too. Think it was trying to get you to buy em, would never show the whole thing.
They're trolling us. They're all over it.

Come on I have to think these people know what they're doing.
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