the thread about nothing...

My parents went to Mexico today.
I was kind of bummed because I'm low on funds and I'm not holding.

I told them bye and hopped in the shower and when I get out there's  $40 sitting on my dresser under my wallet.

My parents know what's up 
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

my wife is going out of town tonight. weekend trip to SF with her bestfriend.

does it make me a loser that i told all my boys not to call, not to come over, cause i dont want to do anything cept chill at home, smoke blunts, eat junk food, watch some Archer on netflix, watch some pr0n and fap, then go to bed?
nothing wrong with this...sounds like your living like a king to me.
-The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was a really dope movie.

-I just put out a music project and it's doing really well.

-Missed out on Cement IV's and that sucked.

-I'm really starting to take an interest in video editing.

-This thread is awesome.

-Life's good.

Originally Posted by ErickM713

My parents went to Mexico today.
I was kind of bummed because I'm low on funds and I'm not holding.

I told them bye and hopped in the shower and when I get out there's  $40 sitting on my dresser under my wallet.

My parents know what's up 

i know how that feels, my mom always xfers money into my account even though she know i have enough already saved in my account
Originally Posted by ErickM713

I've been off soda since February
I'm completely ridding myself of soda 

Nice decision man
, I stopped like almost 4 years agoThose rare cravings though
sry no lulz just a trippy story....

last night i had my worst experience with herb ever. keep in mind i stay blazin all day everyday for years (at least 5)..  was on the way to sell some kicks at the mall (to 4 different people) and smokin a platinum kush personal
.. as im making my exit i looked down at a text nd the kush got me light headed for a quick second and BOOM, i hit somethin. as soon as i hear the noise i panic lower my window and start throwing my bud out (only had 2 gs and a grinder).. literally i was in panic mode. thought my whip was totaled. 

but all that happened was i hit the curb hard and it popped my tire. i felt so #*++!* after, like i was overdoing things and it got the best of me.

moral of the story:  doing too much + weed = not a good combo.

i wasnt able to gather myself for a good 30 minutes. luckily a cop helped me out cuz a $!!** was anxiety levels was at a all time high.
- I want to save Catalina Taylor soooooooo bad

- Having a job and having your side hustles pay for 90% of your expenses =

- You NT chicks are so stuck up on Twitter
I couldn't imagine how bad y'all are in real life
Marriage is an important part of getting ahead: lets people know you're not a homosexual; married guy seems more stable; people see the ring, they think at least somebody can stand the son of a @@@#*; ladies see the ring, they know immediately you must have some cash or your *%+# must work.
Just cause you are handsome and sexy as hell doesn't give you the right to just be a boring individual with no ambition. Biggest pet peeve are sexy dudes with no personality. No jokes. No nothing. Ugh. Stale _'s. If I can make fun of you and you not even know it I will cheat on you with no remorse and I don't even care. So what you have money...I do too. Make it worth my while to be pressed over you and I'll be faithful and loyal.

Why is it I still have a ton of smoothie left but its like there's none when I slurp it up??
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by cap1229

Just cause you are handsome and sexy as hell doesn't give you the right to just be a boring individual with no ambition. Biggest pet peeve are sexy dudes with no personality. No jokes. No nothing. Ugh. Stale _'s. If I can make fun of you and you not even know it I will cheat on you with no remorse and I don't even care. So what you have money...I do too. Make it worth my while to be pressed over you and I'll be faithful and loyal.

got a 77 on my Physics exam, if i studied would have got a damn 90 tho

the amount of money i spend on Shake Shack is ridiculous

Cartoon Network is always appreciated

it's starting to warm up
Originally Posted by whyhellothere


@ the poop video

atlest noone was in blackface

Originally Posted by cap1229

Just cause you are handsome and sexy as hell doesn't give you the right to just be a boring individual with no ambition. Biggest pet peeve are sexy dudes with no personality. No jokes. No nothing. Ugh. Stale _'s. If I can make fun of you and you not even know it I will cheat on you with no remorse and I don't even care. So what you have money...I do too. Make it worth my while to be pressed over you and I'll be faithful and loyal.


they dont need personality and jokes with they have the looks. kinda like girls..they don't need personality and jokes neither..just a vagina (+looks sometimes)
Does anyone find when curses are bleeped out on shows its funnier then hearing the actual curse word.
just put down $500 on North Carolina to win...

feels good to know that I am in a comfortable stage in life where I can put some $$ down on games and enjoy, especially given the fact that I have been an avid sports fan since I was in diapers...
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