the thread about nothing...

Half way done shoveling after two hours. Taking a break. Will be back at it in 20 minutes. Still snowing too. 

Never prepared for these storms. 
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No one was trying to son anyone.. NT is quick to pull that card. I was just saying, it's a common misconception that being cold causes the cold virus.
No one was trying to son anyone.. NT is quick to pull that card. I was just saying, it's a common misconception that being cold causes the cold virus.
i gotchu big j, thanks for the correction. 

you too beh235

serious question though, you ever tried out the emoticons?
No one was trying to son anyone.. NT is quick to pull that card. I was just saying, it's a common misconception that being cold causes the cold virus.

This. NT'ers always trying to start things that don't exist. I'm actually trying to avoid something here as we speak :lol:

No one was trying to son anyone.. NT is quick to pull that card. I was just saying, it's a common misconception that being cold causes the cold virus.
i gotchu big j, thanks for the correction. 

you too beh235

serious question though, you ever tried out the emoticons?

No problem. It's all good. I just present the facts :D

No one was trying to son anyone.. NT is quick to pull that card. I was just saying, it's a common misconception that being cold causes the cold virus.

dont shun me shun :nthat: like a mug mug

Whatever happened to dude? :lol:

Half way done shoveling after two hours. Taking a break. Will be back at it in 20 minutes. Still snowing too. :frown:  :smh:

Never prepared for these storms. :lol:

why dont u just buy a blow torch like this and melt that ish

just get this turn it on and put it in the snow and watch it melt

^ I like your train of thought. I just want to take it a step further and get one with a backpack.

I'm thinking I might disable my reps. I wanna go back to the old NT format in that regard. Idk yet.
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I just realized something...

Couple of weeks ago I was play Black Ops II and I'm not trying to brag, but I'm no slouch. Anyway, [TAN] has been my clan tag for a while(That was going to be one of my TAG for TAN pics). One day I got a message from some random saying, "ur reported". Was that one of yall?

I kinda thought it was just hate mail and kept it moving.
:rofl: @ unsuited

@Nowitzness, I think there is already a "where are they now?" thread somewhere around here

@Tr1ll, that's funny. I wish I was on Xbox or something still, we could start our own LOT room/clan, whatever :lol:. **** would be ill.
I'm starting to miss my moptop/generic Christian Bale hairdo now. :frown:
But at the same time,I wanted to get rid of it.
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