the thread about nothing...

frank caliendo lives in long beach?

Ox I'm kind of in the same position, BFF, smashing but instead of a new guy a third BFF mentions she talking and MIGHT got back to the ex. that might is big because both keep dropping hints that I should approach her to try a relationship out when I don't want that.

filipina nickels btw
Ox I'm kind of in the same position, BFF, smashing but instead of a new guy a third BFF mentions she talking and MIGHT got back to the ex. that might is big because both keep dropping hints that I should approach her to try a relationship out when I don't want that.

filipina nickels btw
word, i had another bff who was 18 
 and as a typical 18 year old, she went crazy on my facebook bc she caught feelings. had to cut her loose bc my bff #3 saw what she posted. don't get caught up man, you might lose them.
Why do you have so many female bff's
 i guess i'm a better friend than boyfriend. nah, idk every bff i had/have all came from relationships that didn't work out or the timing was off or things were better as friends.
So on Zombies movie how doea islanda get infected b.... eeally dough. mvie magic doesn't make sense at akl.. also how utubw ad makea u forgwt qat ur watching n thwn u gwt diatracted by nt n eandomiah muaic or watw ver u were planning to watch comea onn...
Well that depends in coin size and if you can PIIHB..... Yadidamean
idk wats wrong wit u dough rock or rick>?? rck?? =>>?? but u dame hate asian womens??/
dont worry rck she aint one of dem asian amerian hoez.. .shes from that asia country B but speaks like a white british woman just not as annoying .. i think she might lurk here after she saw me on here nt
i know there a pyg thread n all but **** dis bishes dont know when a man is stressed out alread fudge dont gimme dat bs
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