the thread about nothing...

I convinced my cousin that I used to be a wrestler. Photoshop skills: swag
Got into an argument with your dad?
He got crazy pissed because I don't talk to him. I was having really bad personal issues and my mom saw that I was hurting myself before. He called me crazy. So there's no point, really.
All jokes aside, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you guys will be able to talk and listen to each other.
I hope not. makes me not even wanna use it ironically anymore.

thought it was just short for baby.

I feel old now, I almost said whippersnappers.
I remember being told in 4th grade that if I put my jammy on the

inside of the urinal and flushed it, that's what head felt like, and of course

my naive *** did it and got laughed at.

what did it feel like.....:nerd:
cold, e-coli water dribbling on my piece

did you bust?

It ******g hurts like crazy to be accused of doing drugs by your own father.

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