the thread about nothing...

I would talk with him and be up front that your circumstances have changed and that you currently don’t need to find a roommate. If you’re real close to him, maybe you could just explain that you don’t feel confident with him due to his income inconsistencies.

Good point. Just don’t know how to break it to him without making him feel bad about his money. I’ve been broke before and I would hate to be reminded of it if I were in his situation

What is his job?

Lol it kinda sounds like you made up your mind that you don't want him to be his roommate and you're just asking the best way to break that to him gently

Yeah that’s exactly what it is...he’s a tutor part time and a customer service rep part time. I don’t knock his hustle but every few months there’s a new excuse about the money not looking right or how he’s got an interview coming up for a better gig. It just makes me nervous bc there’s no steady income on his end.

Anybody can shoot like that when they're open like he is


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