the thread about nothing...

Puffy basically followed the playbook after a past transgression is exposed by using the typical words of "rock bottom" and "low point in my life" as the cause of his abuse. Why do people have a tendency to attribute those dynamics to something repulsive they did after they get caught? It makes it look like they're trying to absolve themselves of accountability or make their horrendous acts justifiable. That's so bogus because we all go through those phases in our lives at some point as humans. But that's not a reason for us to do something wrong to someone else.

Puffy's recent apology is similarly as bad as Hulk Hogan's idiotic apology after he was exposed on a sex tape cheating on his wife and making racial slurs in 2015 because they ignorantly attributed something irrelevant to their transgressions. Like Hogan idiotically attributed his use of the N-word to hearing it "thrown around" where he grew up at.
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