The toe on these Flint 13s common?

thats normal BUT if your like me and it bothers you that bad now it will be even worse when you get them opened at home.... so i whould say dont buy 'em and wait for the 2010 white/blue 13 to drop
My retro pair looks like that also, probably because of the leather quality is very much inferior , and wait til you see the quality of the blue part at the back, it looks like felt paper :smh
all xiii's look hella wrinkly because the leather is soft.

don't sweat it tho because the shoe still looks great.

also, don't forget they're retroing these sometime in November.
if youre that worried about looks you should make sure the pods arent pink either. thats a very common problem with flint 13 retros as well. i know this from experience
Looks to be a minor flaw. Don't let that hold you back from getting them. It may become a problem over extended use, because it may break off from the sole.
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