The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I just watched the rerun and caught something I missed the first time. When when Rick and co. were running while being shot at at Terminus they ran past a bunch of train cars and u can hear other people who were trapped inside them yelling for help. Just thought I'd share lol. Anyone else caught that?
I just watched the rerun and caught something I missed the first time. When when Rick and co. were running while being shot at at Terminus they ran past a bunch of train cars and u can hear other people who were trapped inside them yelling for help. Just thought I'd share lol. Anyone else caught that?

Yea, i caught it.
This show foreshadows WAY TOO MUCH, almost makes me feel like the writers think the audience are idiots... Any who... Rick talking about setting traps w michonne and Karl was a dead giveaway that Terminus was one giant trap for easy kills (meals)
Really good episode except for the last 30 seconds.

This thread has gone down, dudes come in here writing essays on why the show sucks but still continue to watch it. 276 pages but only really maybe 100 of them is actual real discussion.

I'm just curious as to what the hell they'll do to get out of what they're in. Maybe Morgan will come and save them :lol:
Did we ever find out about the virus and how glenn and sasha were cured?

Also this show picks and chooses when to follow its own rules. Gun goes off by ricks head and he's stunned, 30 seconds later gun goes of by Michonne's issues. Sometime zombies are godly other times little girls play with em, I need better consistency. I enjoy watching tho
Didn't rick hit dude in the head with his?
Hopefully with Gimple coming back, we can finally get a consistently good season. There hasn't been one since s1. There have been great moments from then obviously, but I need some consistency.
Not solely picking on you, but everyone keeps talking about how amazing season 1 was. The damn season was 6 episodes long. If they made every season 6 episodes long, I'm sure it would be superb, but would you really want 3 eps in October and 3 eps in November and then wait until the next October? Hell no.

You can't compare a 6 episode season to a 16 episode season and say which is more consistent. They're going to have to put in some filler whether you like it or not. Every TV show has filler, it's nothing new.

I feel like some of you dudes take this TV stuff too seriously. It's a TV show that you're watching to pass some time. If you don't like it, you can change the channel. No one is forcing you to watch.
Y'all should just go ahead and just make a "I hate the walking dead" thread and be done with it. Save me the "but I still like the show" BS please. Been said over and over
They enjoy coming in here to stir the pot. If the TWD haters had their own thread, they would get bored and it would be empty after a while.
damn... rick really bit dudes neck :wow:
it was really raw chicken :x
i really wished they'd stick with the other line at the end "they're ******* with the wrong people"
good ep tonight :smokin
I'm going to do this show how I used to do Dexter. DVR all episodes then watch right before season finale.

Funny that you bring up Dexter, this show is reminding me of the way Dexter went downhill. Dexter was freakin amazing first 4 season then slowly went downhill and then the Final season was complete hog****
I really wanna know what happen to Beth. :frown:

Really thought they were gonna shoot Carl on his way to the train. Would've been an insane ending. 7 more months again. Ah well. At least GoT is back next week....
Tonight's episode was good man. The scene when Rick bite dudes neck off, straight up had me like 

As some of you said it, towards the end, I instantly saw the dead bodies and people screaming and yellowing "Help!" "Get me out of here!"
Glad Rick and the rest are back together, well most but overall can't wait until the next season.
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