The Walking Dead - Official Thread

i'm just not seeing this character development yall speak of in FTWD. We still know nothing about Strand, Travis still seems shocked this is happening, his son is still a whiny teenager, the daughter is just "there", the drug addict son at least has some personality, Ruben is the old guy with a million questions and his daughter is practically mute.

We learned more in this one episode about that family on the island than we have about any of the main characters in 8 episodes
Strand is literally 2 episodes old, bro. :lol:

And we know he's rich because that's his boat, and now we know he's in regular communication with someone.
So that asian girl from flight 462 is going to join the group next week, it'll be interesting to see how Strand will allow her to get on board since he doesn't usually like new ppl?
maybe she is who he was talking to? 
Strand is literally 2 episodes old, bro. :lol:

And we know he's rich because that's his boat, and now we know he's in regular communication with someone.

I think that aint his boat. Strand's gotta be playing some games man, why would he invite the whole family to join him on the boat? I wouldnt.
I think he was some kind of assistant for some actor (therefore had access and knowledge of yacht sailing)
[quote name="Foamposite XI"]Walking Dead's been stale.
Go out for supplies. Kill walkers. Find a few baddies here and there. Kill them. Rinse, repeat.
Fear the Walking Dead actually has the "****'s about to go down" vibe. Walking Dead is just predictable as hell.

Every situation that they can't possibly get out of is more precarious than the last, and they get out of it. Their current situation seems insurmountable, but the show is not going to end, so they will get out of it, plant a field, run out of rubbing alcohol or something, go get some,... just like you said.[/quote]

TWD has fallen into a similar hole as SOA.

I think Strand is part of some rich prepper network. People who pay a lot of money to setup a group in case of an end of world type situation.
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I think Strand knows more about the virus than anyone that is still alive. All those maps locked away must be his and whoever's plan B, C and D for after the word went to ****.

Either that or he is some kinda James Bond ex-special ops kinda dude trying to meet up with some war buddies knowing they're trained to deal with this type of ****.. How else could he effortlessly stay awake the whole time? He was trained.
I think Strand knows more about the virus than anyone that is still alive. All those maps locked away must be his and whoever's plan B, C and D for after the word went to ****.

I think he knows a lot more than what he's showing. I still remember how calm when the whole **** was going down, he knew something was up.
Character development???

Bruh we hate just about every person on the show. When they do something surprising will we even be excited to see a new side of them?

Travis has been so scary that we all cant help but anticipate him manning up.
Madison and her daughter cant continue to be so naive and stupid can they... like really?

my interest in this show is probably seeing what Strand does and the druggie son explorations lol
I think Strand knows more about the virus than anyone that is still alive. All those maps locked away must be his and whoever's plan B, C and D for after the word went to ****.

Either that or he is some kinda James Bond ex-special ops kinda dude trying to meet up with some war buddies knowing they're trained to deal with this type of ****.. How else could he effortlessly stay awake the whole time? He was trained.

I was just talking about this with the fam. I feel like Strand knows something. They never really went into detail about how or why he was caged up. Plus with him having those maps and plans in place already. Definitely leaves some open doors.
Every time Strand talks, I want to go watch an old Blaxploitation film :lol: Only thing missin from dude's vocabulary are the words "solid" "righteous" "honkey" "the man" "jive turkey" and "two timing sucka"

But him, Nick, and abuelo seem to be the only ones w/ some sort of common sense
best episode of the season by far :pimp:
the mystery behind Strand :nerd: i think he really is trying to save these guys and knows way more
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I literally hate everyone on this show except Strand and Nick.

Chris is useless, so is the old mans daughter
Travis is a weak lead character
I mean who didn't know Alicia was gonna find some guy to talk to on the radio and it would lead to trouble?
Really good ep. Liked the pacing. Finally some good action. Nick discovers the power of zombie blood. We finally meet Michelle.
Strand was foul for that ending. 

Dude gonna get thrown off his own boat? 

Was something else seeing that Nick realized he could Michonne his way through zombies.
Dope episode. :pimp:

I think next ep Daniel might forgive his pops for putting his mom out of her misery after he "helped" that guy on the plane.

Strand was def foul for cutting that raft loose, but that girl killed two of her own people from her last crew because they wanted to mercy kill Two Face. (Who already said it was okay.) Why is she riding so hard for that kid? I don't think they were safe with her there. They'll meet again though. You know how TV shows work. She might link up with the folks trying to chase them.
If this Strand payoff doesn't hit, hard, this show gonna be in trouble.

He can't keep cutting people loose and not grow.

I assume that lady will be back at some point, but gettin old with this lost at sea ****.

Druggie Def figured out the blood/guts cammo angle. Startin to like the kid.

How the **** you get pinned against a cliff with slow *** walking zombies walkin in sand? Two get cut down and they can reach the boat now. Come on. :smh:
Dope episode. :pimp:

I think next ep Daniel might forgive his pops for putting his mom out of her misery after he "helped" that guy on the plane.

Strand was def foul for cutting that raft loose, but that girl killed two of her own people from her last crew because they wanted to mercy kill Two Face. (Who already said it was okay.) Why is she riding so hard for that kid? I don't think they were safe with her there. They'll meet again though. You know how TV shows work. She might link up with the folks trying to chase them.

Think you meant Chris for the character of the son on forgiving his dad. Daniel is the old Hispanic dad :lol:

As far as why the girl from the plane was riding hard for the burned kid, it was in one of those 1 min Flight episodes where she reveals that she was the passenger who bumped the kid's mom off their flight and why he was having to fly home by himself or something to that effect.

She said something about feeling guilty for separating him from his family while this zombie apocalypse was going down and presumably with highly probable chances of them all dying.

And agreed on seeing them later down the line, the Talking Dead episode didn't really seem to imply the girl from the plane was done for from the first 10 min I watched.
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Strand denying Michelle was hard... dont know if I could have made that call. Think I would have let my compassion get the best of me.
I wonder if Asian girl is going to run into them later this season again or if it won't be until next season, she'll survive on the raft in the ocean somehow I'm thinking
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