The (The Shield is wayyy better)

Originally Posted by Its That Dude


tell me what went over my head then. is it that the the game yo?
yes, i saw how all the characters at then end just took the roles of previous characters that had died or left.

omar's character was over the top for me...i still dont understand why dudes weren't able to kill omar when he was just walking through the streets.

i will give credit for the in-depth storylines of the bad guys. but like how you guys say there isnt any real clearocut bad/good characters, i just didnt find myself rooting for them (with the exception of michael and bodie).

there weren't any shocking moments. nothing stayed with me.

i'll admit the wire doesn't suck...but if yall noticed, there was a bit of hyperbole in my post.

as for the haters of the wire being stupid? yall need to get off your high horse. the wire wasn't that complicated.

What shows do I like? Lost, Californication, Boston Legal, The Office, Seinfeld, used to love 24 but it jumped the shark.

I'm probably gonna move on to dexter now. been hearing the hype on NT

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

it gives us an in-depth view of some of the key politcal and social institutions in baltimore. everything is intertwined. racism is still alive. the money is the motive. drug war ain't never gonna end. politicians will be politicians.

the only thing going for the wire is its realistic portrayal of urban america. I realize that most americans won't like the wire because the subject matter is something they don't want to acknowledge. like joe galvan said, it's not entertaining like the shield.

the shield has an excellent equilibrium between reality and entertainment that makes it a better tv show than the wire.

but please, go watch the shield in its entirety and then come back.

I've seen both. the shield is just consistently better.

I pretty much said what was in the first review. yall aint reading.

Look, I haven't watched The Shield. I have scoured the web for reviews and the gist is that is very entertaining and has more "oh %*$% !" moments. The Wire taught me a lot about why the city 10 miles away from me is the way it is. I don't see how you can compare the two. It's mindless entertainment versus a realistic portrayal of themes that transcend everyday human existence. I have been entertained by many shows. I have not learned about the reasons for our harsh realities in many shows.

It's reprehensible to think The Wire sucks. It just is. No show has ever been as ambitious yet so resistant to television pressure. Only reason the show made it past even Season 1 were critics.

My love for The Shield probably has something to do with it being set in Los Angeles like how you're close to Baltimore. In fact, a lot of the filming of the Shield was right in area my neighborhood.

but you're not giving The Shield a chance just because it's more entertaining? You've already dismissed its realism before watching a single episode? Go watch the first episode and come back.

I first watched The Shield and was blown away by it. I went online and looked up more about The Shield and The Wire kept on coming up as a worthy competitor + NT kept on mentioning it. So I gave The Wire a chance. I kept on waiting for something exciting to happen, something to stir up some emotion in me. None of this ever really happened. Only moment was when Bodie got killed because he was about to get out of the game. All I learned from The Wire was....The game is the game.

Go watch The Shield . The acting is INCREDIBLE. Just go watch the first episode.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude


tell me what went over my head then. is it that the the game yo?
yes, i saw how all the characters at then end just took the roles of previous characters that had died or left.

omar's character was over the top for me...i still dont understand why dudes weren't able to kill omar when he was just walking through the streets.

i will give credit for the in-depth storylines of the bad guys. but like how you guys say there isnt any real clearocut bad/good characters, i just didnt find myself rooting for them (with the exception of michael and bodie).

there weren't any shocking moments. nothing stayed with me.

i'll admit the wire doesn't suck...but if yall noticed, there was a bit of hyperbole in my post.

as for the haters of the wire being stupid? yall need to get off your high horse. the wire wasn't that complicated.

What shows do I like? Lost, Californication, Boston Legal, The Office, Seinfeld, used to love 24 but it jumped the shark.

I'm probably gonna move on to dexter now. been hearing the hype on NT

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

it gives us an in-depth view of some of the key politcal and social institutions in baltimore. everything is intertwined. racism is still alive. the money is the motive. drug war ain't never gonna end. politicians will be politicians.

the only thing going for the wire is its realistic portrayal of urban america. I realize that most americans won't like the wire because the subject matter is something they don't want to acknowledge. like joe galvan said, it's not entertaining like the shield.

the shield has an excellent equilibrium between reality and entertainment that makes it a better tv show than the wire.

but please, go watch the shield in its entirety and then come back.

I've seen both. the shield is just consistently better.

I pretty much said what was in the first review. yall aint reading.

Look, I haven't watched The Shield. I have scoured the web for reviews and the gist is that is very entertaining and has more "oh %*$% !" moments. The Wire taught me a lot about why the city 10 miles away from me is the way it is. I don't see how you can compare the two. It's mindless entertainment versus a realistic portrayal of themes that transcend everyday human existence. I have been entertained by many shows. I have not learned about the reasons for our harsh realities in many shows.

It's reprehensible to think The Wire sucks. It just is. No show has ever been as ambitious yet so resistant to television pressure. Only reason the show made it past even Season 1 were critics.

My love for The Shield probably has something to do with it being set in Los Angeles like how you're close to Baltimore. In fact, a lot of the filming of the Shield was right in area my neighborhood.

but you're not giving The Shield a chance just because it's more entertaining? You've already dismissed its realism before watching a single episode? Go watch the first episode and come back.

I first watched The Shield and was blown away by it. I went online and looked up more about The Shield and The Wire kept on coming up as a worthy competitor + NT kept on mentioning it. So I gave The Wire a chance. I kept on waiting for something exciting to happen, something to stir up some emotion in me. None of this ever really happened. Only moment was when Bodie got killed because he was about to get out of the game. All I learned from The Wire was....The game is the game.

Go watch The Shield . The acting is INCREDIBLE. Just go watch the first episode.
The thing is I'm from Chicago. The Wire just uses Baltimore as a setting to address the fate of the modern day city-state. It's issues are applicable to any major city in the United States.

I can't praise The Shield for being entertaining. Too many shows are entertaining. There has to be something more. If you don't think the acting in The Wire is good, I don't know what to tell you.

"The game is the game". The thing about The Wire is that the characters are secondary in the show. It doesn't follow usual Hollywood formulas.

I don't know what you want me to add. You're looking for blatant entertainment as the major criteria for the best show ever. There are so many shows that execute this. They are following the same formulas.

You didn't have any emotion stirred up during the 4th season, when you saw the fate of those kids. WTH?

Why do you have to root for someone? I don't get that aspect. Why can't you take these people for what they are? Realistic, flawed human beings who have no real control over their fate?

I'm not saying anything went over your head. Your not giving credit for the scope of the show. Every season is completely different yet they all tie in. Who the hell can pull that off?

What's your response to this critique?
The thing is I'm from Chicago. The Wire just uses Baltimore as a setting to address the fate of the modern day city-state. It's issues are applicable to any major city in the United States.

I can't praise The Shield for being entertaining. Too many shows are entertaining. There has to be something more. If you don't think the acting in The Wire is good, I don't know what to tell you.

"The game is the game". The thing about The Wire is that the characters are secondary in the show. It doesn't follow usual Hollywood formulas.

I don't know what you want me to add. You're looking for blatant entertainment as the major criteria for the best show ever. There are so many shows that execute this. They are following the same formulas.

You didn't have any emotion stirred up during the 4th season, when you saw the fate of those kids. WTH?

Why do you have to root for someone? I don't get that aspect. Why can't you take these people for what they are? Realistic, flawed human beings who have no real control over their fate?

I'm not saying anything went over your head. Your not giving credit for the scope of the show. Every season is completely different yet they all tie in. Who the hell can pull that off?

What's your response to this critique?
Originally Posted by bijald0331

How do you justify all the critical praise for The Wire? It's one of the most critically acclaimed shows of all time. Many critics routinely ,and without much doubt, call it the best show ever. Is everyone wrong?


The wire had 1 good season. Every show on television that gets picked up has 1 good season. The critical acclaim lies with the new audience they reached. I'll give it that. As far as the story line, it's a B version of the Sopranos.  

After season 1, the cop scenes became unbearably boring to watch.

Not to mention the annoying actress known as Kema....They could have atleast had a finer looking +@#!% to look at.

On a side note, season 5 wasn't bad. I enjoyed the press angle.

Aside from the reasons I mentioned- can anyone watch any of these episodes again? No replay value. I can watch every season of the Sopranos until my DVD player refuses to work.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

How do you justify all the critical praise for The Wire? It's one of the most critically acclaimed shows of all time. Many critics routinely ,and without much doubt, call it the best show ever. Is everyone wrong?


The wire had 1 good season. Every show on television that gets picked up has 1 good season. The critical acclaim lies with the new audience they reached. I'll give it that. As far as the story line, it's a B version of the Sopranos.  

After season 1, the cop scenes became unbearably boring to watch.

Not to mention the annoying actress known as Kema....They could have atleast had a finer looking +@#!% to look at.

On a side note, season 5 wasn't bad. I enjoyed the press angle.

Aside from the reasons I mentioned- can anyone watch any of these episodes again? No replay value. I can watch every season of the Sopranos until my DVD player refuses to work.
The Sopranos and The Wire didn't deal with the same issues and themes, they're two different shows.
The Sopranos and The Wire didn't deal with the same issues and themes, they're two different shows.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

The Sopranos and The Wire didn't deal with the same issues and themes, they're two different shows.

Yes, but that wasn't the quote I was addressing. Dude stated the show was critically acclaimed- that is a very vague reasoning for why a show is good. Young and the restless had 50 Emmy awards over the years and "critcal acclaim"- The show sucks
Perhaps I confusingly brought up the Sopranos- A show I deem good, which is also critically acclaimed.

On the end it's all opinion anyway, but the Wire sucks, and it isn't folks hating just to hate- I watched every episode of season 1 as it aired.

Then came season 2.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

The Sopranos and The Wire didn't deal with the same issues and themes, they're two different shows.

Yes, but that wasn't the quote I was addressing. Dude stated the show was critically acclaimed- that is a very vague reasoning for why a show is good. Young and the restless had 50 Emmy awards over the years and "critcal acclaim"- The show sucks
Perhaps I confusingly brought up the Sopranos- A show I deem good, which is also critically acclaimed.

On the end it's all opinion anyway, but the Wire sucks, and it isn't folks hating just to hate- I watched every episode of season 1 as it aired.

Then came season 2.
What about all the reasons I gave after? I admit my first post was stupid. The Sopranos is my second fav show of all time. The Wire is better.
What about all the reasons I gave after? I admit my first post was stupid. The Sopranos is my second fav show of all time. The Wire is better.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

What about all the reasons I gave after? I admit my first post was stupid. The Sopranos is my second fav show of all time. The Wire is better.
I swear all NT is so OCD. Why does everyone feel the need to prioritize. Best?

Why can't a show just be good or bad?

Besides, the reasons you listed are what seperates a "good show" from a bad one.

Sienfeld....Lost.....These are shows that will age well. Sopranos re-runs right now would draw far more viewers than the wire, not simply because of its popularity- which you kool-aid drinkers will mention has to do with its "controversial" themes. Psh- the show has no replay value, its a see it once series. Sopranos...Sienfeld...these are shows with unlimited replay value.

Originally Posted by bijald0331

What about all the reasons I gave after? I admit my first post was stupid. The Sopranos is my second fav show of all time. The Wire is better.
I swear all NT is so OCD. Why does everyone feel the need to prioritize. Best?

Why can't a show just be good or bad?

Besides, the reasons you listed are what seperates a "good show" from a bad one.

Sienfeld....Lost.....These are shows that will age well. Sopranos re-runs right now would draw far more viewers than the wire, not simply because of its popularity- which you kool-aid drinkers will mention has to do with its "controversial" themes. Psh- the show has no replay value, its a see it once series. Sopranos...Sienfeld...these are shows with unlimited replay value.

agree. no replay value at all for the wire.

that dvd thread? i just noticed a lot more elitism that is also evident in this thread. i see a lot of people saying the wire's writing is too smart for most people....things went over people's heads...same thing in this thread...

but when i ask for examples...i don't get any....

as for the first critique...i don't know who dirty harry the shield is not redundant to me. even then...the shield is far from simple.

you said i was looking for blatant entertainment....that's not just factually wrong. if you had read my earlier posts...i said that the shield's entertainment plus the realness in it makes it better than the wire.

once again, go watch the first episode of the shield...then come back and talk.
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