Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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Players just need to know they don't have to jump out the damn building every time they leave the floor. Zion and Robert Williams are the same. That explosiveness is a gift and a curse.
To ask a young leaper to cool down with the leaping is easier said than done. There's not a young leaper in the history of the league that isn't jumping all over the place their first five years or so in the L

I'm sure to them, jumping six feet in the air feels as naturally as breathing.

Every athletic player plays the same way at first. I think Zion gets more scrutiny than normal because he's a leaper that's the size of Zach Randolph

Hopefully Julius gets traded soon, this one of the worst possible situation for him. Younf team, weird mix of players, unstable coaching & management.
To ask a young leaper to cool down with the leaping is easier said than done. There's not a young leaper in the history of the league that isn't jumping all over the place their first five years or so in the L

I'm sure to them, jumping six feet in the air feels as naturally as breathing.

Completely agree. Unfortunately it accelerates a player's susceptibility to non-contact knee injuries as we've seen.
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To ask a young leaper to cool down with the leaping is easier said than done. There's not a young leaper in the history of the league that isn't jumping all over the place their first five years or so in the L

I'm sure to them, jumping six feet in the air feels as naturally as breathing.

Every athletic player plays the same way at first. I think Zion gets more scrutiny than normal because he's a leaper that's the size of Zach Randolph

It's less the jumping, more so the landing. If you go look at clips of players who've had knee and leg issues look at how they land after jumping. They are putting a lot of impact and force on their lower body each time they come down.
Yeah I wish they'd stop giving us Philly on the second of B2B SMH.
Have to play Milwaukee next week in the same B2B scenario where the first game is at home and the second is on road.

It's less the jumping, more so the landing. If you go look at clips of players who've had knee and leg issues look at how they land after jumping. They are putting a lot of impact and force on their lower body each time they come down.

the force actually comes on the leap, the landing is just gravity combined with their weight and if they come down bad. But the actual force exertion is on the push away from the ground.
but...lebron cant guard the rah rah. He's just gonna leave him to kill kcp and avery bradley again.
I really want Zion to be able to last in the nba and stay healthy cuz we need some diversity...I feel like the nba is so finesse and perimeter oriented, especially towards the three point line. The player closest to Zion is Giannis in terms of style of play but Giannis is not the leaper Zion is

Zion would be a junkyard pit bull in a league full of high maintenance poodles

Giannis would be the doberman
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