Look forward to Tonight's game .... Birdman does look "fit" though I agree at the very least. Realistically though guys, we just need him to dominate the boards with passion and energy. All we can ask for

agree 100% good sir, and imho thats exactly what we can look forward too. he just got a golden ticket without having to open 1 candybar, time for tha birdman to seize the moment

The Heat visit The White House on Monday :D
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The Heat tried hard, but in the end, Dwyane Wade and his deadly combo of idiotic shots, predictable pump fakes and open layup misses did everything he could to win the game for the Celtics. His will to lose this game prevailed in the end and he could not be stopped.
The Heat tried hard, but in the end, Dwyane Wade and his deadly combo of idiotic shots, predictable pump fakes and open layup misses did everything he could to win the game for the Celtics. His will to lose this game prevailed in the end and he could not be stopped.


funny cause its tru
The Heat tried hard, but in the end, Dwyane Wade and his deadly combo of idiotic shots, predictable pump fakes and open layup misses did everything he could to win the game for the Celtics. His will to lose this game prevailed in the end and he could not be stopped.

Lebron went 2-9 in OT. He doesn't deserve some of the blame?
The Heat tried hard, but in the end, Dwyane Wade and his deadly combo of idiotic shots, predictable pump fakes and open layup misses did everything he could to win the game for the Celtics. His will to lose this game prevailed in the end and he could not be stopped.
Lebron went 2-9 in OT. He doesn't deserve some of the blame?

He got them to OT to begin with. Wade missed the easiest shot either two teams had in the two overtimes plus made many more dumb decisions. What the HELL was that at the end of the first OT? Standing with the ball, waiting for the clock to go down to 3 and then taking a contested long 2 fadeway? Are you ******g kidding me? He should not be mentioned among the true all time greats because he is not an unstoppable player and has been CONSISTENTLY shut down by the Celtics and the Bulls. Not every single game, but certainly enough times to prove that it is far from a coincidence and that he can be shut down. All you have to do is not fall for his stupid pump fakes where he jumps into the defender that usually take him a long way against defenses that are dumb enough to do so, and you're halfway there. I wouldn't be pointing out this cold truth about him had he not made me 95% of the way to throw my remote at the TV today.

P.S. Bron had three field goals in OT.

Why are you bringing up the Lakers? We're discussing Lebron going 3 for 9 in the OT and somehow Dwade has to take all of the blame for the loss.

Oh wait...this is you, correct?
Originally Posted by Gottips3

I know Im a bron ****rider (Pause) But its only because I want him to WIN!

You're 27, right? Go sit down.
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Why are you bringing up the Lakers? We're discussing Lebron going 3 for 9 in the OT and somehow Dwade has to take all of the blame for the loss.

Oh wait...this is you, correct?

You're 27, right? Go sit down.
Nah I'm 24, But LMAOOO, at the end of the day lakers still trash.
You go sit down in the lakers thread, till you get above .500
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Nah, I specifically remember you posting you were 25 a couple years ago and everyone saying they thought you were a kid.

Again, why do you keep bringing up the Lakers? This is about Lebron going 3 for 9 in the OTs and somehow not being at fault for the loss.
The Heat tried hard, but in the end, Dwyane Wade and his deadly combo of idiotic shots, predictable pump fakes and open layup misses did everything he could to win the game for the Celtics. His will to lose this game prevailed in the end and he could not be stopped.

You can't place this loss solely on Dwyane Wade. As a leader of the team you certainly expect better than 6-20 from the field, but the whole team played inconstantly. Outside of Chris Bosh and LeBron James no one had good games. Mario Chalmers went 0-3 and was a non factor going against sub par PG's. Battier was terrible on both sides of the ball and Joel Anthony was useless against Garnett.Besides a couple fleeting good shots from Norris Cole, the whole team was to blame.

I think the larger reason for this loss was Ray Allen. He was 7/17 from the field and seemed to force up a lot of shots. I've looked at all of the Heat games this season I'm pretty sure that's the most shots he's taken all year. If Ray was hot from the floor I could understand those extra shot attempts, but he was 41% from the field. I would rather have those extra shots go to Bosh who was playing great.

Overall this was a very disjointed game. At times it appeared the Heat were poised to blow the Celtics out, but bad basketball cost them an easy win over a hobbled opponent. Despite a lackluster performance the Heat lost by only 2 points in double overtime. I look for the Heat to learn from this game and rise to occasion against the Nets.

Lets Go Heat...
He got them to OT to begin with. Wade missed the easiest shot either two teams had in the two overtimes plus made many more dumb decisions. What the HELL was that at the end of the first OT? Standing with the ball, waiting for the clock to go down to 3 and then taking a contested long 2 fadeway? Are you ******g kidding me? He should not be mentioned among the true all time greats because he is not an unstoppable player and has been CONSISTENTLY shut down by the Celtics and the Bulls. Not every single game, but certainly enough times to prove that it is far from a coincidence and that he can be shut down. All you have to do is not fall for his stupid pump fakes where he jumps into the defender that usually take him a long way against defenses that are dumb enough to do so, and you're halfway there. I wouldn't be pointing out this cold truth about him had he not made me 95% of the way to throw my remote at the TV today.

P.S. Bron had three field goals in OT.

Right because no other great players have ever had a hard time against any team in basketball.. :rolleyes

You sounding silly bro. Just because Wade didn't have a good game is that supposed to diminish all of his other career accomplishments? Wade has certainly had bad games against the Bulls, but he has also killed them on several occasions. Wade is notorious for putting up numbers against the Celtics. For example, the year before the big 3 formed in Miami Wade was averaging 33 points, 5 rebounds, and 7 assist against the Celtics.

Your post is full of conjecture, emotion, and lacks perspective. Wade has been a superstar in this league for 10 years and for you to think you finally figured out how to stop him in your post... :rofl:

I'm not discounting that it wasn't a bad shot, its just funny to see how people react to certain players and their miscues. He's human and was put in a tough spot down the stretch. If he would have made it would we would be saying it was an amazing shot. It goes both ways.
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That post was an incredibly stupid overreaction. Not to mention nonsense. Wade in his first 10 or so postseason games against the Celtics was averaging like 30-5-4 on 52% shooting. >D
Sure he can be considered a "great player", just not as great as you probably think. Those types of players aren't consistently shut down by certain defenses, year in and year out. We're not talking about a single poor series or a bad stretch. We're talking about a pattern spanning over years.

You want to talk numbers?

In 10-11 he averaged 12.8 points on .281 shooting (this is not a typo), 3.8 rebounds and 5.6 assists in the 4 games against the Celtics. 5 turnovers per game too.
In 11-12 he averaged 19.7 on .434 shooting, 3.7 rpg and 5.3 apg in 3 games.
And thanks to his horrible performance last night his stats against them will suck this year too.

He had a great series in 2010 in a series against a team on cruise control where not a single damb was given how many dozens of points he would average because everyone and their momma knew who was going to win that series in the end, without any problems whatsoever. After it became a rivalry he has consistently sucked more than a black hole against them.. In the 2010-11 regular season, in the 2011-12 regular season, in the 2012 playoffs and now in the 2012-13 season. The only time he played well was the 2011 playoff series. Great players struggle against certain teams. But those struggles are the exception and not the rule. With Wade, it's the opposite.
First of all, who gives a **** about the regular season? The Heat haven't won a regular season game in Boston since 2007. It is what it is. You're rambling much about nothing. Wade has delivered everytime in the post-season against Boston. And that's all that matters. I like how you belittle his 2010 effort on some BS reasoning. :lol:

He even came thru multiple times in the clutch momments in last years ECF, this while being gameplaned to be doubled everytime he touched the ball. Not to mention playing on a balky knee.
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