There was a stranger in my bed last night....

Jul 8, 2004
I`m on my notebook. The lights are off. My bed is against the wall and I have 2 pillow stack on the wall. My back is to the wall and one of the pillows ishanging off to the side but just in the range of my preferrial(spÉ) vision. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something fast run on my pillow. I turn on thelight...


Daddy LonglegÉ


...I didn`t take this picture...honestly I was lookin at my cell phone to take a picture but, thisthing was on my pillow

Anyways, it`s gone now.

Anyone else have seen these in your houseÉ
I had a stranger in my bed last night as well.

It was murder waiting for my hand to fall asleep, but once it did...

Go time.

I would've changed my sheets, threw away my pillow, and flipped my mattress if I saw that on my bed.

Originally Posted by killaotaku

god damn. clean your room.

They are called ``House`` Centipede`s for a reason.

Originally Posted by goldNboi7

Did you smash?

Nah. It ran away when I tried to put it in a container. These dudes are QUICK. Next time, I`ll catch one and make a video about. They hunt spiders and %#*$so I might even catch one and have a little coliseum action going on.
Yea I've seen those in my room a couple of times. People in the basement are pretty dirty so they breed down there and come upstairs through the heatingvents and the pipes coming into the stove. Gross.
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