They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

that is not the suspect. no suspect has been identified in face nor name
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Brah I've seen that picture somewhere before.

Thats some dude from florida who was high on some of that Spice
Here's a collection of videos from Reddit

Video of shooter [in action], shooting police officer point blank

in this vid u can see him shake dude around pillar when he shoots him. he goes left gives him 2 shots than comes on the right an finished him.
This event is staged man. 

They are trying to incite Patriotism so they can begin their war.
That's just the crumbs of the situation. It's about white male psychology. His lack of natural ability to manipulate the magnetic field of the earth to coalesce into his desired intention has forced him to have the indigenous people of the planet do his bidding. Those who do effectively become Mr. Smith. Because he can't manifest out of love and positivity, he must resort to the lowest vibration and use fear to navigate his ideology. 
Ok you're going to have to simplify this for me bruh. I'm thinking I hear you, but be clear.
Baffled how they put this all together in what seems like a day
Well folks, Sniper just called game on the whole damn country. This weekend might be interesting.
literally got chills when the chief said this...
They are interrogating these dudes and they arent even cracking... This is planned out way too well to be done by any normal person
The fact that they just planned it like today makes it crazier. There was no BLM protest to atttend prior to the recent police shootings.
Fox showing a bunch of morons throwing up gang signs in front of a wall of police at the gas station.

Smdh we gotta do better man. These idiots don't represent all of us
you could reverse the words here and it would remain true in regards to the police officers
Cliffs for whats happening?
-at least 2 people opened fire at the end of a previously peaceful black lives matter protest.
-There were two gunmen who fired from elevated positions delibriteyly at police officers.
-11 officers were shot. 4 are dead, others are critically injured.
-one civilian has died.
-two people were arrested fleeing from dallas in a black mercedes, after they were seen putting a camo bag in their trunk of the car, and leaving at a high rate of speed.
-One suspect is still in a standoff with police, and says he has planted bombs around the city

-before any arrests, police released a photo of a person of interest, which turned out to be totally bogus
-there are videos of fox news showing dead officers on the ground
-another video showing a police officer getting shot at point blank range by what appears to be a well trained person.
all of this 
This is sickening.

Just today Obama gives his speech addressing one series of tragedies which he immediately did after landing in Poland and now he's gotta do another one tomorrow.

Thing is I only see more of this continuing. Not surprised in the least. Shame this is happening to police officers that had nothing to do with these atrocities.
did yall see them dudes on cnn that told what happened? they was gutter *** hell. lol. said when shooter turned 1st shot hit cop diretly in the face
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