Things people do that you dont understand

NT this is something I really don't understand man,.

I am in relative good shape right, but sometimes I go out to eat with some of my co-workers ( Overweight) and they can't finish the meal. I always eat the whole entire thing. Like we'll go to any restaurant t and they don't finish the whole meal before asking for a takeaway box. They say they can't. Are they being serious because they don't want to look bad, or do they have slow metabolism? Or do they just binge- eat when they're at home?

As a big dude, it could very well be a metabolism thing. Or just poor eating. I get told all the time that I don't eat enough, but I feel like if I eat more then I'll put on more weight.

The logic at that point is- I eat less, I put on weight. I eat more, I put on weight. How am I supposed to win here? Eat nothing but healthy food and exercise like a fitness page, if I ever want to be a healthy size? Nah, I ain't about that life.

FOR EXAMPLE, I went to a crab buffet with my homies the other day.. one of em is a lean asian dude and my mans ate 3 plates of stacked crab and some shrimp when I barely got through one and some small side pieces of steak.

Dude didn't put on a pound. :smh:
NT this is something I really don't understand man,.

I am in relative good shape right, but sometimes I go out to eat with some of my co-workers ( Overweight) and they can't finish the meal. I always eat the whole entire thing. Like we'll go to any restaurant t and they don't finish the whole meal before asking for a takeaway box. They say they can't. Are they being serious because they don't want to look bad, or do they have slow metabolism? Or do they just binge- eat when they're at home?

As an overweight person I sometimes snack too much between meals. By the time supper rolls around I'm hungry, but fill-up quickly.
How trayvons' martins killer is still free and alive :smh:

Im not gona say dudes name cause he damn well doesnt deerve to be spoken of :x :x :x
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How trayvons' martins killer is still free and alive :smh:

Im not gona say dudes name cause he damn well doesnt deerve to be spoken of :x :x :x

watch 13th on netflix. excellent (the intros and editing/direction wasn't quite to my liking but man was it upsetting...sad...hard to watch)

everyone should watch it.
The heavier I am the less I can beast on big dinners for some reason.
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Usually people fill up on soda,beer etc prior to the meal coming then eat and feel more full and can't finish. Never fails.
Humans have a small and large intestine and it takes 24 HOURS to fully digest your food.
Just think about that.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, repeat day after day after day.
You have too give your body a rest and give it a chance to digest and use some of the energy from the food already inside of you.
Otherwise it gets stored as fat, and then rots and ferments in your intestine.

That's why fasting is imporaant.
Negative papi....people ive worked for before...some of them had them plus a smartphone...knew of at least 3 that until recently you wouldnt kill em for at least 10 mill each ..still rockin the Startac only b...there Jewish btw
Where Jewish?
When you call someone and they don't answer but they will text you back

You not worth the phone time right now papi.

I can be at work, in a good conversation, on a date, or just not in the talkin mood.

You better enjoy these text or kick rocks.
Bruh you don't even know. Guy always comes into the steam room butt naked and starts doing stretches.
Not cool, man. Not cool at all.
Humans have a small and large intestine and it takes 24 HOURS to fully digest your food.
Just think about that.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, repeat day after day after day.
You have too give your body a rest and give it a chance to digest and use some of the energy from the food already inside of you.
Otherwise it gets stored as fat, and then rots and ferments in your intestine.

That's why fasting is imporaant.

I usually just eat a gang of black beans or a buncha charro beans if ive been eatin a lot of red meat. I got to much money to not eat.
Yeah kinda douchey to talk down people whose service that you use. There would be no sit down restaurants without them.
Bruh said "tipping". Clearly you have never heard of crustaceans, morton's, Flemings, etc where the servers probably make more money than you.

Your statement would have been more valid if you left the "get a better job" part out. I do agree that a lot of these jobs don't deserve tips while others don't. Service is service.

Bottle girls making 6 figs just in the summer alone in Vegas and those tips stack up and are included, lol.

Waiters at crustaceans making 6 figs off those large tips.
Bruh said "tipping". Clearly you have never heard of crustaceans, morton's, Flemings, etc where the servers probably make more money than you.

Your statement would have been more valid if you left the "get a better job" part out. I do agree that a lot of these jobs don't deserve tips while others don't. Service is service.

Bottle girls making 6 figs just in the summer alone in Vegas and those tips stack up and are included, lol.

Waiters at crustaceans making 6 figs off those large tips.
i don't believe this at all.
Tipping imo is for great/ exceptional service.  15% extra for going through the motions or even being below par is a joke. 

It is not my fault as a consumer that restaurant owners are too cheap or inefficient at running a business to pay servers what they deserve.

Im also not the kind of dude to give you extra money for just being hot either, im not an old fat perv paying to flirt, I want a burger.

Back when my jobs didn't pay enough, not a single person ever entered my warehouse and gave me a tip for looking cute or loading their truck nicely.

If I complained about money, people would tell me to get another job. 

If you are selling me 12 dollar starter salads with 30 cents of actual products, I might already feel so ripped off, I dont want to waste extra bread come bill time.

You know when you go to a pub with your girl and order 2 chicken sandwiches and 2 cokes and the bill comes back at 46.75 $...... yeah Im mad you jacked me as a company. Now if I just leave a 50, the server and kitchen are taking personal offense.

Thats crap... dont look at me, look at your boss who makes me supplement your income because he's too cheap and set up a price gouging menu.
I agree with half of what you said I'm just too embarrassed to not tip and you know they be talking about you
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