This Dad right right here deserves a Noble peace prize. VOL Facebook daughter exposure to da max

To re-phrase, I didn't mean simply selling drugs....but all the things that come along with selling drugs --- gun violence, prison, etc etc....

You'd take that over the things that come along with a girl having sex?

Not me.

My daughter being pregnant > my son dead or in jail

lol what do you think the convict to sloot ratio is?

i'll take my chances with my first-born heir
Shes not sorry, but good for the dad for what he did.

Anyone else hear tires scurtin in the background towards the beginning? :lol:
Why did he tell everyone she's in Philadelphia? 
U avoid that by borderline spoiling your child.
Eh I disagree. I know dudes who were "borderline spoiled" and just flat out spoiled (showered with gifts from their parents as kids etc), but when their parents told them that its time to become independent and get a job, they said fffff it and began pushing weight. The addiction to material items and the title of being called "fresh" got to them to the point where rather than doing something legit to fund their habit they would rather go down that path, cause quite frankly it's almost easy money.

I would say the father did a good job . Whenever you see young girls coming up to the ages of 10-14 you better be on them cause some of their peers at school (who's parents let them run wild on the streets with 0 damns given )can be influential.
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13 yrs old tho :x :smh: this girls are studying the ways of the rat younger and younger it seems.

maximum security firewalls and site blocks for my internet when ever i have a family. kids ain't ****** wit dat twitter tumblr fb w.e...

these girls got it backwards the earlier you start with this foolishness the worse it looks on you.
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I wonder what dude actually thought would come out of this? :lol: He really thought she is gonna behave after putting her on blast like that?
this thread is HILARIOUS.

1. Ninjahood...**** what YOU'RE talking about. A known head hunter hit me on the facebook chat once with the sole intention of someday glazing my head with her saliva. idc idc idc that is a fun *** feeling when you're in highschool. and this did not in any way deter me from going to mall, movies, carnival, etc to pick up breezies w/ the homies.

2. 011781: You have some really good points, but you screaming on your daughter if she was a Rihanna fan or whatever is silly depending on the age. At a certain age range it wouldn't be silly at all. But at a certain age if you've taught your daughter all the right things and she still likes Rihanna's music and pics of her and CB then that probably says little about her actual moral composition. just a thought. but i do respect you saying you just wanna say you did all you could & that you realize they're still gonna do what they want.

3. to ANYBODY saying he shouldn't let his daughter have a facebook: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
if your child wants a facebook you would have to eliminate the following: the option of them going to any school that allows them to get on the computer, all cell phones, ipads, etc, they can't go to any friend's house ever...there's more but basically you would have to control every encounter they have with the internet. good luck. :D
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2. 011781: You have some really good points, but you screaming on your daughter if she was a Rihanna fan or whatever is silly depending on the age. At a certain age range it wouldn't be silly at all. But at a certain age if you've taught your daughter all the right things and she still likes Rihanna's music and pics of her and CB then that probably says little about her actual moral composition. just a thought. but i do respect you saying you just wanna say you did all you could & that you realize they're still gonna do what they want.
I said I "WOULDN'T" scream on her.
I didn't have to even watch the rest of the video. I know kids are going to be kids, this has always been, but if the parents have been doing the right thing from the jump with their daughter, this wouldn't have been an issue. C'mon son!
13 yrs old tho :x :smh: this girls are studying the ways of the rat younger and younger it seems.

maximum security firewalls and site blocks for my internet when ever i have a family. kids ain't ****** wit dat twitter tumblr fb w.e...

these girls got it backwards the earlier you start with this foolishness the worse it looks on you.
You act like girls 13 years old in 1995 didn't run aroudn grabbing penises or something. Nothing new. Just another avenue to broadcast it.

Oh yea, since we are talking about raising daughters in here, tell your damn daughters to say out of a man's face. People don't believe in the, "Boys don't hit girls back" card anymore.
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