This Dad right right here deserves a Noble peace prize. VOL Facebook daughter exposure to da max

I'm just gonna pull the "do you want to be known as a h**" card if I have a daughter . . .
Nah little sloot is gonna wanna sloot more after this causing authoritarian parent backfire. I've vowed to be a cool cat with my children concerning sex, western culture makes it taboo out of the desire to control women which is why there's so much shock about the exploits of others going on everyday. Sex is a natural thing and should be taught as such, but admittedly I'd probably become estranged from my daughter(s) once I found out she was having sex just hard to comprehend. :smh:
 please delete her from Faysboo 
pops is cool with his 13 year old daughter having a boyfriend. well damn
I'd be cool with it, if dude was a stand up guy. Nowadays, non-boyfriends got just as much of a chance of smashing than boyfriends. If she gonna get it in, you not allowing her to have boyfriends isn't going to stop it.
pops is cool with his 13 year old daughter having a boyfriend. well damn
I'd be cool with it, if dude was a stand up guy. Nowadays, non-boyfriends got just as much of a chance of smashing than boyfriends. If she gonna get it in, you not allowing her to have boyfriends isn't going to stop it.
sounds like a giving-in attitude. Personally, I wouldn't allow it.
How are you going to stop her?

She might not be able to get on FB while home, but she won't be around you 100% of the time man. You can't stop her from making an account
no but as a father  if you show your daughter love she won't act out like that.   She was either touched on as a kid from a pervert or beaten or something.   Normal 13 year old girls aren't out f**king grown men.  smh shes out looking for attention from men because her daddy isn't showing her the love that she needs.
I'm just gonna pull the "do you want to be known as a h**" card if I have a daughter . . .​
with the Kim k types and basketball wives, that might make her want to do it even more.

No girl wants to go through public high school being picked on and known for being a h** . . .​
It's changing these days, being a dummy aint as bad to these young chicks on social networks...they go ham on wit no dambs given about reps on IG/FB/Twitter....
If you're her father is it right to hit your daughter as you would hit your son? (Obviously not the same way but you get it)
Or do you leave it to your wife?
How are you going to stop her? :lol:

She might not be able to get on FB while home, but she won't be around you 100% of the time man. You can't stop her from making an account

no but as a father  if you show your daughter love she won't act out like that.   She was either touched on as a kid from a pervert or beaten or something.   Normal 13 year old girls aren't out f**king grown men.  smh shes out looking for attention from men because her daddy isn't showing her the love that she needs.

I was thinking more along the lines of her acting out for attention. I do t know there relationship but maybe he's an absent kind of father. It's easy to do this after the fact but being there before had stops this.
I just saw this video and personally I think pops messed up. If she didn't resent him before, she will resent him now. She is going to get back at him for embarassing her like this. His attempt to stop her from hoing backfired, and she is going to take it to level 10 now.
I want to thank this father, because I've been victim of this lying about the age crap. :smh: Now I ask for ID's just about every time.
no but as a father  if you show your daughter love she won't act out like that.   She was either touched on as a kid from a pervert or beaten or something.   Normal 13 year old girls aren't out f**king grown men.  smh shes out looking for attention from men because her daddy isn't showing her the love that she needs.
I agree with all of that but there are plenty of girls out there that turn into **** that had great fathering/love from parents. You can lay the foundation but it is up to her what she does with it.

But That has nothing to do with you saying, "I won't let her have a FB account." I am saying that you can't stop her from making an account. If she wants one, she will have one. Point blank. Same with a boyfriend. If she wants one, it isn't for you to say, "I won't allow her." Please. What are you going to do, go to school with her to stop it?

sounds like a giving-in attitude. Personally, I wouldn't allow it.
Yea aight man. She will do what she wants.
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