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On windows 7 just split a screen with the dm and another one with the nike store tweets, turn all replies off and you should be good (also have your name and size already typed out)

bot will beat this everytime. if you have to type out the hastag you've already lost.
My RSVP didn't go through, I was at NIKENYC though...thanks regardless Chrono, I saw that the DM went out literally as soon as the tweet was sent from NikeNYC.
They could catch them off guard if they switch up the symbol I think. For example instead of #NSWLBJ for the Corks they could've used *NSWCORKS or @NSWCORKS. Randomize it so the program isn't just searching for " # ". I don't know though I am not that tech savvy so I wouldn't be able to pin-point how Nike stores could stay one step ahead. Whats with the caps lock?
this won't work. again, just as memphis stated they will have to change the whole system all together and even then they'll knock the bots off a day or so. Once the new system is revealed bots will be up and running soon after because the programmers will write new codes to adapt to such changes. you can program your bot to hunt for #, *, @, or all of the symbols. whatever new system is implemented, if it's technology based you'll be going up against a bot.
Yup. So long as it's computer based there will always be a script for it lol. If there are bots that can play your online RPG character and level him up for while you sleep, it isn't hard for a bot to go to a webpage and check out for you.
All they have to do is make every release a raffle and bye bye rsvp bots.
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you can have the bot set up to pick up key words. like "cork". nike always tweets the day before what is being released and they show you exactly how the tweet will be sent out. 

Feb 22 The LeBron X Cork launches tomorrow 8am EST. Twitter link only. No Calls. Details:

Feb 23 The LeBron X Cork is now available

this works with link sniping. instantly opens link as soon as it is tweeted. this opens the NDC page and instantly adds item to cart and brings you to check out. this happens before the tweet would even show up on your twitter page. thus saving valuable seconds of clicking on link, selecting size, then adding to cart.

i dont see how nike would be able to come up with a more efficient way of releasing online without twitter tho.

for the RSVP bots, i'm guessing it filters out the word #RSVP then grabs the next available hash tag in the tweet
All they have to do is make every release a raffle and bye bye rsvp bots.
good luck with that.. then it'll turn in to about who you know. in the bigger picture, you'll have to pick the lesser of two evils. I choose going bot vs bot rather than rigged raffles. 
What If they upload a picture with the hash tag in the picture? Don't think bots would pick that up.
technology based. yes, unfortunately there is a sniper for almost everything. if there isn't a sniper out for it then there will be one. you'd really only be able to to hold off a programmer for 1 or 2 releases before he's in beta. 
technology based. yes, unfortunately there is a sniper for almost everything. if there isn't a sniper out for it then there will be one. you'd really only be able to to hold off a programmer for 1 or 2 releases before he's in beta. 

Unlike Ticketmaster and other "queue-based" ecommerce sites that employ a captcha, snipers would have a hard time analyzing the contents of an image and inserting the hash tag for numerous users they are working on behalf of. Ticket scalping programs have been successful at jamming the system preventing other users from getting through while processing captchas, but I don't see that working here.

Individuals would be faster at opening the link, grabbing the hash tag from the photo and entering it manually than signing up for a service that is trying to do this for multiple users at once. I don't see where the benefit of a not works in this scenario. That's why - beyond how I think it's a net negative for the community - I haven't written my own app. If Nike responds, it will make the effort put into it a waste.
**** is ridiculous i got 2 db 9 from nikedc nowadays i havent got anything since the bhm pack
look up Rumola - bypass CAPTCHA  for the chrome browser. programmers can easily implement that into the bot
look up Rumola - bypass CAPTCHA  
for the chrome browser. programmers can easily implement that into the bot
Bs. Id love to see a bot decipher an image that it takes human eyes a few minutes to figure out. The print on some images is so hard to see that you need to imagine the letter without all of the extra little lines around it and then type from there
Bs. Id love to see a bot decipher an image that it takes human eyes a few minutes to figure out. The print on some images is so hard to see that you need to imagine the letter without all of the extra little lines around it and then type from there
Just google bypass captcha....see how much comes up
Bs. Id love to see a bot decipher an image that it takes human eyes a few minutes to figure out. The print on some images is so hard to see that you need to imagine the letter without all of the extra little lines around it and then type from there
Anything technology based can be cracked. It's just the way things are now. If they do add captcha, it would just make it even harder for those people not using bots.
Could an IP identification software be implemented? Once your IP addy gets flagged you get blocked from future/multiple purchases? Maybe they could come up with a review sequence during the processing that cancels orders that were obtained fraudulently or violated purchase limits. Would slow shipping but more people would have a shot at getting a pair. 
Could an IP identification software be implemented? Once your IP addy gets flagged you get blocked from future/multiple purchases? Maybe they could come up with a review sequence during the processing that cancels orders that were obtained fraudulently or violated purchase limits. Would slow shipping but more people would have a shot at getting a pair. 
Why would nike flag/block people from giving them money? an IP block would prevent the whole household from making purchases. Yet, again there is a program to change/hide IP's
Why would nike flag/block people from giving them money? an IP block would prevent the whole household from making purchases. Yet, again there is a program to change/hide IP's
Because they didn't play by the rules and there's plenty of people who play by the rules but are unable to purchase. It's not like if the people using programs are the only people who want to buy the shoes, they'll sell whether buyers play fair or not. And there prolly is a program to change the IP addy. 
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Because they didn't play by the rules and there's plenty of people who play by the rules but are unable to purchase. It's not like if the people using programs are the only people who want to buy the shoes, they'll sell whether buyers play fair or not. And there prolly is a program to change the IP addy. 
Nike is still selling out shoes and taking our money,whether you get the shoe with or without the help of a bot.
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