Thoughts on 10 year high school reunions?

Man, are people really that worried about how they'll look if they're not "successful"?  Damn shame. 

Do you, live your life and keep it movin'.  I know it's easy to get into the comparison game, but stop sweating what others are doing.  Trust me on this--been there, done that.    

Maybe part of the reason one doesn't feel "successful" is because they're spending so much time focused on others that they're missing the successes life has brought them so far?  Just food for thought, NT brahs.   
Dont plan on going to mine. It's in three years but I don't talk to anyone from high school besides one girl and that's because we knew each other before we went to our high school.
Quick question, how do you even find out about this? Do they send you a invitation? How do they find you?

Just asking, because me and my wife don't have a facebook, twitter or any other social media.
Mines is next year and I don’t know if I want to go lol

I feel like it’s going to be awkward for some reason
Every year my thoughts on it first I just wanted to go to stunt my *** off...the smoke sessions I had with people about it are hilarious...dudes talkin about coming in helicopters, wearing all gucci n ****
I'll have my 5 years next year, I still chill with 6 dudes from high school. We plan to go and have a good time.

I seriously don't give a **** what people think of me :lol: (I'm doing good though)
Me and my friends skipped the 10th year reunion. Might go to the 15th one next year.

And yeah, we all felt it might be real awkward that's why we didn't go. They say there were only like 50 people that went.
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class of 2004! LOLall my highschool friends dissapointed me. dont care and will not be going.
If my life isn't close to this I don't think I'm going.

Mine's next years (class of 04) and the classmates I'm friends with on facebook are already making plans for it. I'm going to go but I don't expect any big surprises
Im class of 05..and i told my homeboy that graduated with me the other day that i aint going unless im straight shinin on ****** :lol:
Quick question, how do you even find out about this? Do they send you a invitation? How do they find you?

Just asking, because me and my wife don't have a facebook, twitter or any other social media.

I got a letter in the mail for the person who used to live in my house for her 20th year reunion.
She went to the same high school I went to.

What is this 5 year reunion thing you guys are talking about?
I don't think my class had one, or either I wasn't cool enough to get invited. Some things never change
Mine is in 7 years. Not gonna go unless im jacked and a 10/10 HBB. Also only if I can stunt
Went to 3 different high schools. By the time mine comes around (6 years) I don't plan on living in the US still.
Man, are people really that worried about how they'll look if they're not "successful"?  Damn shame. 

Do you, live your life and keep it movin'.  I know it's easy to get into the comparison game, but stop sweating what others are doing.  Trust me on this--been there, done that.    

Maybe part of the reason one doesn't feel "successful" is because they're spending so much time focused on others that they're missing the successes life has brought them so far?  Just food for thought, NT brahs.   
What's sad is the 10 year reunion is known as the pissing contest. Though attendees are 10 years older; the same can't be said about their state of mind. The 10 year reunion will consist of people stunting and thinking they are better than the next man because of their salary or the material items they posses. By the time the 20 year reunion rolls around individuals have seemingly grown up and have come to the realization that none of that nonsense they thought was important in their 20's matters. Reading some of the replies in here confirms that even in this "Social Media" society we currently live in, some things never change.
I've always liked the episode about 10 year reunions on sitcoms. Amazingly enough mine is up this year (Class of 2003). I don't even know if I'll make it since I'm out of the country. 2003 was also the year I joined facebook. Not sure which is a bigger 10 year milestone :smh:

Have you guys gone to yours? How was it? Where did you go/what did you do?

How'd you get on facebook a year before it even existed as an Ivy League school only thing? Just nitpicking sorry.

My 20th is coming up in a few years, missed the 10th because anyone that I really wanted to keep in touch with I did, and I didn't care too much for anyone else. May do the 20th since I've caught up with some people I hadn't spoken with in years in the past 5 years and it's been interesting to see that despite all kinds of superficial differences we're all a bunch of nerds deep down.
I've always liked the episode about 10 year reunions on sitcoms. Amazingly enough mine is up this year (Class of 2003). I don't even know if I'll make it since I'm out of the country. 2003 was also the year I joined facebook. Not sure which is a bigger 10 year milestone :smh:

Have you guys gone to yours? How was it? Where did you go/what did you do?

How'd you get on facebook a year before it even existed as an Ivy League school only thing? Just nitpicking sorry.

My 20th is coming up in a few years, missed the 10th because anyone that I really wanted to keep in touch with I did, and I didn't care too much for anyone else. May do the 20th since I've caught up with some people I hadn't spoken with in years in the past 5 years and it's been interesting to see that despite all kinds of superficial differences we're all a bunch of nerds deep down.

Word. Me and my HS friends still make it a point to get some drinks every weekend. Well, we do live in the same area so maybe that's why :lol:
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Word. Me and my HS friends still make it a point to get some drinks every weekend. Well, we do live in the same area so maybe that's why :lol:

Oddly enough one of my not so close friends that I've kind of kept up with on facebook over the past few years I've pointed her in the right direction of places to catch the local games from across the country.

I'm far closer to the friends I made in the late 90s early 00s in the rave scene than I am with most old class mates.
Word. Me and my HS friends still make it a point to get some drinks every weekend. Well, we do live in the same area so maybe that's why
Oddly enough one of my not so close friends that I've kind of kept up with on facebook over the past few years I've pointed her in the right direction of places to catch the local games from across the country.

I'm far closer to the friends I made in the late 90s early 00s in the rave scene than I am with most old class mates.
Minus the rave scene, you sound like me.  I have one person from high school that I keep in contact with on a regular basis.  From college though, there are four and I've been out of college for 9 years now.  
Word. Me and my HS friends still make it a point to get some drinks every weekend. Well, we do live in the same area so maybe that's why :lol:

Oddly enough one of my not so close friends that I've kind of kept up with on facebook over the past few years I've pointed her in the right direction of places to catch the local games from across the country.

I'm far closer to the friends I made in the late 90s early 00s in the rave scene than I am with most old class mates.

Minus the rave scene, you sound like me.  I have one person from high school that I keep in contact with on a regular basis.  From college though, there are four and I've been out of college for 9 years now.  

Total opposite. It would be great to see some of my college buddies, lost in touch with most of them though.
Pretty sure this has already been mentioned, but social networking (mostly facebook) has ruined any reunion type stuff. There's no surprises or mystery, cause you really already know what people are doing, and for the people who are a mystery, more than likely you weren't friends with them in the first place :lol: me and some of me friends were talking about this a couple months ago. Our reunion is 2015, and we already know what is going on, and we ain't trying to see each other AGAIN :lol:
I went to my 10 year reunion last September and had a blast.

I got to apologize to some dude i was a complete jerk and bully to throughout high school and made it a priority to treat dude to a few drinks and sip with him while burrying that hatchet and that kinda felt good.

In terms of success wise, I'd say I'm in the middle ground of my class in terms of doing well, I'm genuinely happy for those doing successful and hope those who haven't been as fortunate to better.

I got back in touch with a few people, kinda became cool with some people I really didn't hang out with much in high school and networked which was pretty good.

Some of the girls that looked real good in high school let themselves go while some ugly ducklings turned into swans. I got a few numbers and ended up hanging out with a girl I went to school with that moved to New Orleans when I went out there Super Bowl weekend.

And I got pretty hammered. Me and my boy, dude I went to high school with that went to the reunion with me had to catch a 7am flight to San Francisco because we were going to the 49er game that night. I damn near missed the flight and was coughing up chunks in the airplane bathroom lmao.

The 20 year reunion should be fun.
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