Thoughts on Blake Griffins rookie year

Blake Griffin's athleticism
Kid is RIDICULOUS, his passing is the most underrated part of his game. Clippers got mad talent on that roster...this is a playoff team.
Kid is RIDICULOUS, his passing is the most underrated part of his game. Clippers got mad talent on that roster...this is a playoff team.
This dude is going to be a beast.. I still think John Wall will compete with him for ROY though. 
This dude is going to be a beast.. I still think John Wall will compete with him for ROY though. 
Blake is a one helluva a player but I wince on like every play due to his tenacity (which is not a bad thing)...I don't see him not getting hurt again imo.
Blake is a one helluva a player but I wince on like every play due to his tenacity (which is not a bad thing)...I don't see him not getting hurt again imo.
This dude is a beast. I hate the clippers, but instantly upon seeing him play I respect their future. Gordon and Griffin are a great start for them to build with
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