Common interests, hobbies, goals, music taste, where we see ourselves in 5 years, maturity level, even something as simple as the way we talk.

Everyone is different with that. My hobbies and music taste stayed the same. Long term goals stay the same, short term goals are added. Sure I may have expanded a bit more but thats because of new people you meet Maturity level I strongly believe comes from your culture and household. I refuse to date anyone without a cultural background.

The way you talk for sure changes the more professional or experienced you become. That I agree with. The young 21-22 year olds still have a bit too much slang that can be a turnoff.

The younger ones want older dudes too, dont miss out. They like the maturity instead of the crowd they surround themselves with. The balance works here.
Astrology is basically just cosmic bigotry.

Assigning traits and characteristics to people over factors they have no control over while having no legitimate evidence or basis in reality.
The daily/monthly/yearly horoscopes are bs. Never use it as a tool to weed out, but you tend to see similar characteristics in people born under similar signs.
Common interests, hobbies, goals, music taste, where we see ourselves in 5 years, maturity level, even something as simple as the way we talk.
This right here is what turns me off young chicks. I’ve asked two and neither had an idea of even where they saw themselves 6 months to a year later. 1 of them was like “idk, rich hopefully”. If she didn’t have a stupid dumb mass then I would’ve told her she’s wasting her time with the “rich” mindset but I’m sure she can sex her way to riches.

I’m 26 so five years younger and older is my threshold.
wait why older???

When I was 24, I was getting it in with 2 chicks 35+ on a biweekly basis.
Refuse to date anyone without a cultural background.
Oh you don’t want a Rachel?
This right here is what turns me off young chicks. I’ve asked two and neither had an idea of even where they saw themselves 6 months to a year later. 1 of them was like “idk, rich hopefully”. If she didn’t have a stupid dumb mass then I would’ve told her she’s wasting her time with the “rich” mindset but I’m sure she can sex her way to riches.

wait why older???

When I was 24, I was getting it in with 2 chicks 35+ on a biweekly basis.
Always been attracted to older women since I was a kid. :lol:
Always been attracted to older women since I was a kid. :lol:
Same, 2 of the teachers women I had at high school, not the same years, they were both gorgeous, a Latina (can't remember the country she was from) and a White
And used to frequent women about 40's when I was in my 20's, at some different moments in time, I never regretted it, unlike a lot of young ones :lol:
Plus when it's over with a 40's, no scene like a 20's, at least from what I know

And as intimity is concerned it's better too, no need to learn something to them, and no need to ask or not, they know what they like/dislike
So you won't be the guy to disgust them for this or that, they just refuse and that's all
Maybe I worded that wrong. Five years older or younger than me. I’m 26, so anywhere from 21-31 is cool with me relationship wise.
From experience never date a woman that is just legal because some lie and age them as they are not yet legal, always take at least 2 years more, so in US 23 and in FR 20, less problems lol
It happened to me only once, and I was young too so not a big deal, but still, she was saying to having 18 (which is legal in FR), but she was 17 and some months
My ex was older than me by 4 years and was still on some BS. ***** you don't get the pass and understanding a young chick gets because of her age/looks. Cut it off with the quickness.
Whats the biggest age difference? Mine was 15yrs :rofl: ***** was a wild one
49 when I was 31. She was married and took the ferry from Connecticut to spend the night with me. Her husband drove her there. :rofl:

She spent the first 15 minutes taking about how she couldn't get over the fact she was with someone so young, then somewhat abruptly topped me off, then we smashed and passed out, then woke me up in the middle of the night to have me hit it again. Dropped her off at the ferry the next morning.

Also made a comment about me being "bigger than she's used to" at some point throughout the night.

Poor dude.
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19 years older with kids 1 year older than me

Shorty told me I was the first person to have sex with her on her period

First time we smashed, she had to see her gynaecologist cuz her P was sore and she wasn't used to the size :lol:
19 years older with kids 1 year older than me

Shorty told me I was the first person to have sex with her on her period

First time we smashed, she had to see her gynaecologist cuz her P was sore and she wasn't used to the size :lol:
She was 52 , I was 21 lol I posted about this in the old TAY thread . A fellow NTer & I were about to be Eskimo brothers but he backed out . Her & I matched on tinder a few days later , I knocked her hips out of place
52! :rofl: got damn im howlin tho

Any pics 👀
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