Trying to sell your college books back Unappreciation

I just keep them. I always end up referring to previous textbooks in subsequent courses...
Sold two books back for 190 each, this has been my best semester yet. Oh yea I forgot to mention my company pays for my books too.
My store only bought back one of my books
. I may have to start renting books.Looks a lot cheaper than buying used books.
Besides chegg, amazon, ebay anybody got a good site i can look at?
Damn, I can't even imagine the L's you guys take now with textbooks. Way back when I was in college, I actually came out half decent--I'd spend nomore than $300 on books for 4 or 5 courses and I'd make back about $200.
damn i'd rather just keep them instead of getting $5-20 for everything. im trying to sell my $100 books for at least $40 each if they want lower than that$@%+ them.
Amazon,, and, are all used before I think about buying it from the bookstore.

It's a huge scam.
ive kept all mine. i wont be a victim. i have about 25 of them right now from past years..
after one semester of dropping 120 on a psych book new and the sales guy had the nerve to tell me with a straight face 8.50, I usually only buy books forclasses for my major unless its absolutely mandatory that I get it... otherwise I hit up the library or find a pdf online .. hell I remember when I had oneprof tell the class he would drop a letter grade for not having the book ........ still haven't gotten it yet and marketplace are the ways to go. What I hate is the following semester, they used brand new editions.
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