Tryna get my swole on QUICK....Need a protein shake

If you're really skinny and not afraid to add a little chub, try a weight gainer. You have to train REALLY hard if you REALLY want to take them. ON 100%Whey sometimes goes on sale at GNC (which is my least favorite shop) for a 4lb. tub. One of the few I tried where I saw real results. If you make it more thanan hour lifting, you're doing something wrong. I did a chest/tri (I know there are mixed feeling on working muscle groups that work together) workout lastweek that lasted 5 sets TOTAL and I was done. Check out I guarantee you'll find something worth your time. Read a bunch of articles.You'll need to sleep a lot, stop drinking, get your diet PERFECT, and your form for your exercises perfect as well. If you can pull that off, hats off toyou. You basically won't have a life until the time that you leave for Orlando/MIA, but if MAY pay off. GL though.

P.S. As a FLA resident, Orlando is a college/tourist town with no beaches within about an hour drive. Being bulked up for Orlando won't matter too much.Oh, and they don't use the word "swole"-- That's a southern term. Geographically, FLA IS a southern state. Historically, it was Seminolecountry when the North/South was divided and is now occupied by skinny "bros" and primarily New Yorkers and New Jersey heads that think they'retoo cool for school (not to say that all NJ/NY heads are). MIA is a pretty superficial place, though.

Just be careful of the "women" on South Beach. When you get there, you'll know what I mean.
Originally Posted by TheTim11

Take the A-Roid / Major League Baseball route..and when people ask how u got so big so fast..LIE BELLIGERENTLY

Originally Posted by iMixedi

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Any of yall who seriously lift hit the roids on the low?

I'm considering taking Pro-Hormone pills..pretty much the most legal thing you can get before actually calling it Steroids. Gets you big in like 4 weeks but you gotta know what you're doing.

Dont do it my friend
.....Pro hormones can really destroy your system. And canbe harsher than anabolic steroids. Ive done both, and let me tell you!!!!
the juice is 100x better and easier on your body
You guys are wasting your money on whey. There are cheaper alternatives that will do just as much for you. It's not like whey is some magical supplement.

How nice your physique is boils down to two things: proper dieting and dedication to weightlifting and cardio workouts. For the price, supplements don't donearly what they should. For whey, at typically $0.60 or more a serving, you can do much better with your money.

And for all you saying, I took whey and saw results. No. You just worked harder in the gym and added some expensive protein to your diet.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

You guys are wasting your money on whey. There are cheaper alternatives that will do just as much for you. It's not like whey is some magical supplement.

How nice your physique is boils down to two things: proper dieting and dedication to weightlifting and cardio workouts. For the price, supplements don't do nearly what they should. For whey, at typically $0.60 or more a serving, you can do much better with your money.

And for all you saying, I took whey and saw results. No. You just worked harder in the gym and added some expensive protein to your diet.

you sound just like wawa
supplements are to supplement. i do not think they are a waste. nobody every said they are least not me.

all supplements are meant to go along with hard work and proper diet.
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