Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

I’m in Tyson’s Galleria grabbing my Sweetgreen almost every day. I’ve never seen a mall with so few shoppers and so many cops, security guards, and patrol dogs.

If you ever need a reminder of what police forces are actually for, come on out to McLean.
This is what happens when folks start talking that business program nonsense. Like I said before……certain crime is going up NOT down. As it pertains to stolen autos most are being done by juveniles. It is only going to get worse.
This make sense, but carry on.
Damn: Nothing good comes from taking anything from a kid. (Not "defending" his behavior)

“He’s not a threat.” A teacher at Matanzas High School in Florida was brutally attacked by a 6’6, 270lbs 17-year old student because she took away his Nintendo Switch away from him. Now “mental health advocates” are defending the student.

Man, being real with you there is only but so much you can do in that situation.

You CAN'T have a back and forth with the kid. You will lose. (Power Struggle).

You shouldn't physically TAKE anything from them.

Your hands are tied in that situation. Hopefully you have a personal relationship with that child that they would listen to you.

There are little to no consequences for many students these days man.
Glad to see a grown man casually watching a female get stomped out before “intervening” only when someone else does. But that’s the world we live in now
There are little to no consequences for many students these days man,.
A kid at my fiance's school brought a knife to school to supposedly scare some opps.
Somehow admin found out and the kid received no consequences other than them taking the knife and calling his parents, because the new wave of education advises that suspensions don't work.
I was shocked when she told me that students don't get suspended or receive consequences anymore.

I probably would have been expelled, my *** beat when I got home, and sent to military school if I brought a weapon to school :lol:
It isn't just that suspensions don't work, many kids would rather NOT be in school and it also makes the school "look bad" if they are suspending a bunch of black/latino kids.

So whenever schools brag about having low(ered) suspension #'s, it really doesn't mean anything more than the school deliberately choosing NOT to suspend kids. It doesn't mean the behaviors have improved.
I’m in Tyson’s Galleria grabbing my Sweetgreen almost every day. I’ve never seen a mall with so few shoppers and so many cops, security guards, and patrol dogs.

If you ever need a reminder of what police forces are actually for, come on out to McLean.
I saw the vibes. They carry M16’s like it’s normal at Reagan airport.
Damn: Nothing good comes from taking anything from a kid. (Not "defending" his behavior)

“He’s not a threat.” A teacher at Matanzas High School in Florida was brutally attacked by a 6’6, 270lbs 17-year old student because she took away his Nintendo Switch away from him. Now “mental health advocates” are defending the student.

I’ve been tired of folks constantly using the “mental health” excuse as a get out of jail free card. Legit insanity is the only reasonable excuse to use in the court system. I hope the charges stick for the 17 year old. He wasn’t claiming “mental health” when he beat up the teacher. If the mother wants her child to be taught better and given more consideration she should invest in home schooling.
My nephew is special needs and in 10th grade. He tries to text me during class time and I’m always having to remind him to put away his phone. Not sure he’s told anything by the teachers but he has gotten in trouble when his “shadow” catches him. School is pretty much just babysitting him at this stage, not sure how much learning he actually does. I’m just grateful he can read and somewhat write. Zero math skills though.
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I live in MOCO and aint even gon hold you the police love to stop folks at night time for any type of reason…My building is on a busy street and I see those flashing lights like 5x nightly just for both the cops and driver pull off in a few mins so you know the stop wasn't anything serious …ALWAYS black folks too :smh:
It isn't just that suspensions don't work, many kids would rather NOT be in school and it also makes the school "look bad" if they are suspending a bunch of black/latino kids.

So whenever schools brag about having low(ered) suspension #'s, it really doesn't mean anything more than the school deliberately choosing NOT to suspend kids. It doesn't mean the behaviors have improved.
This pretty much what goes on at the middle school my friend use to work as a counselor. Under staffed and they are told not to report any incidents. Teachers are leaving in flocks. Too much stress and some fear for their safety.
Depends on the school you're at and the context.

I've seen kids get the paws put on them and the teacher be back at school the next day. But that's not a school you wanna work at.

Kid for sure deserved that beating, every time I see those videos I know the kid deserved it.
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