UPDATE 1/12 Campbell's soup drops same sex couple + son commercial

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I was wondering why this thread made such a jump and more than the other one.

Nice to see Ksteezy get picked a part for that nonsense though :lol:

Also, props to Meth for replying to that Frank Matthews weirdo. No way was I gonna engage dude and "refute" his bias.
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How was I picked apart tho?...lmaooooooo Im sticking by my words, ya fighting the words DC put in ya heads....go back and READ carefully :lol:

Ya looking sad bros.
I eat both chicken and tomato soup and in my experience tomato soup is actually better for the soul and colds.

It just warms harder
How was I picked apart tho?...lmaooooooo Im sticking by my words, ya fighting the words DC put in ya heads....go back and READ carefully :lol:

Ya looking sad bros.
Meth completely exposed that nonsense you were spewing and you've admitted several times since you were wrong. I call that getting your argument picked a part.

DC, Diego, and everybody else needling you about it is just gravy.

I hope you remember your "in my experience" defense the next time you try arguing with someone about their opinion whether they're a bigot or not.
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Meth completely exposed that nonsense you were spewing and you've admitted several times since you were wrong. I call that getting your argument picked a part.

DC, Diego, and everybody else needling you about it is just gravy.

I hope you remember your "in my experience" defense the next time you try arguing with someone about their opinion whether they're a bigot or not.

No I apologized for generalizing black NTers as intolerant, that was all....and yes that was a poor choice of words on my end, THATS IT.....nothing else I've said has been out of line, ya forget I'm straight and in a committed relationship...if you respect your relationship there is no reason for you to be offended...if the shoe fits tho...then that's on YOU.

You are out of your mind think anyone picked me apart, ya picked up apart an imaginary twist DC put to my posts, why is everyone dodging my comparison tho..

If in YOUR experience a Dominican woman cooks better than a white woman, that makes you a bigot?...did you just claim All Dominican women to be better cooks than white women?....NO.

Ya pick and chose tho....ain't nobody picked **** apart tho, I'm still standing.
What I said was pure fact though. The way you obsess over him is disturbing in its own right. A majority of the threads he post in, you are right there quoting him and baiting him. It's like you have an alert on your devices whenever he post in a thread. Then you get the members he has upset over the years that harbor ill will chime in and take pot shots. Now I am not saying he's always in the right; I have had words and have disagreed with ksteezy over the years on a variety of topics, but I also don't need to carry that baggage around. I seriously think you'd implode if he hit you with the block button and completely ignored all of your antics.
I agree
Meth completely exposed that nonsense you were spewing and you've admitted several times since you were wrong. I call that getting your argument picked a part.

DC, Diego, and everybody else needling you about it is just gravy.

I hope you remember your "in my experience" defense the next time you try arguing with someone about their opinion whether they're a bigot or not.

No I apologized for generalizing black NTers as intolerant, that was all....and yes that was a poor choice of words on my end, THATS IT...
W/e you say now don't really matter.

I already repped Meth for that reply. He was 100% spot on.

You keep trying to make this about what DC says or how he manipulates things. That's not flying with me. I read what you posted and read Meth's reply. You making this way more complicated than it needs to be. Just nurse that L.
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W/e you say now don't really matter.

I already repped Meth for that reply. He was 100% spot on.

You keep trying to make this about what DC says or how he manipulates things. That's not flying with me. I read what you posted and read Meth's reply. You making this way more complicated than it needs to be. Just nurse that L.

Dawg, you understand Meths reply has 0 to do with what the argument has been the past 10 pages....obviously you ain't read much....and IM te one being picked apart :rofl: get your facts straight pleghboi....ignore this post tho.
Can't claim experiences bro it's just another word for generalization

Fam I never said my experience holds any weight on a large scale, in fact I said the opposite, I said this was exclusive within my circle....I can't claim whatever the hell I want within my circle...I never said "because of what I've experienced all gays love >>>>>> straight love"
Meth completely exposed that nonsense you were spewing and you've admitted several times since you were wrong. I call that getting your argument picked a part.

DC, Diego, and everybody else needling you about it is just gravy.

I hope you remember your "in my experience" defense the next time you try arguing with someone about their opinion whether they're a bigot or not.

No I apologized for generalizing black NTers as intolerant, that was all....and yes that was a poor choice of words on my end, THATS IT.....nothing else I've said has been out of line, ya forget I'm straight and in a committed relationship...if you respect your relationship there is no reason for you to be offended...if the shoe fits tho...then that's on YOU.

You are out of your mind think anyone picked me apart, ya picked up apart an imaginary twist DC put to my posts, why is everyone dodging my comparison tho..

If in YOUR experience a Dominican woman cooks better than a white woman, that makes you a bigot?...did you just claim All Dominican women to be better cooks than white women?....NO.

Ya pick and chose tho....ain't nobody picked **** apart tho, I'm still standing.

You keep taking subtle shots. I'm not offended by anything you've said nor have I taken any of it personal. I know why you think that I have but I promise you this has been all jokes to me.
FROM MY EXPERIENCE, you can be proven wrong time and time again but you will never back down. I don't know why you keep thinking I'm offended.

I've been on NT for mad years and every once in a while I'll waste my time picking apart people's inconsistencies. Today happened to be one of those days where I had time cuz... nothing more nothing less. Like I said before, nobody is above catching it. Today happened to be your day. I really am about this equal rights thing.

One of the reasons why you end up in these situations is because you keep trying to impose YOUR views about issues on other people. What other people do as different from you, you call wrong or inferior. Different is different, but you can't leave it as that. You always need to explain why YOUR way is better or the RIGHT way.
Your view on marriage is YOUR VIEW on marriage. It is not THE CORRECT view of marriage. Your view on relationships is YOUR VIEW on it...it is not THE CORRECT view. This is why I tell you to stop judging. FROM MY EXPERIENCES with you things are either YOUR way or the WRONG way.

I know what I do and I know my faults. I'm well aware I don't live in a glass house and it's for that reason that I throw stones at people.

You in for a world of Ls next time you find yourself in an e-debate and all of your points will be rebutted with "IN MY EXPERIENCE".
I guess you could always just blame that on DC though.
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Can't claim experiences bro it's just another word for generalization

Fam I never said my experience holds any weight on a large scale, in fact I said the opposite, I said this was exclusive within my circle....I can't claim whatever the hell I want within my circle...I never said "because of what I've experienced all gays love >>>>>> straight love"

You do know that I'm being sarcastic and I think this whole argument against you is stupid right?

If I say I walked down the block and saw 10 kids under 5 years old wearing Jordans that doesn't mean I'm saying all kids under 5 wear Jordans

They know that ... they're just bored and want someone to go back and forth with and you always with it :lol:
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