USA invading JAMAICA!!

you know, it's crazy the things your country will do and not tell you about. I know the US means well, but please. This is out of our hands as long as that man is not on US soil.
they always do huh, cause american reasoning is always right, you see this is why they did what they did and gonna keep trying to do what they did again.
United States World Police FTL
People support out tax dollars to capture dudes like this.

Still not America's F*#king Business!
So what would you geniuses prefer to do?

or better yet: How would you like the US govnt deal with this situation given that he's been actively doing illegal/criminal activities in the USA?
I just finished "Killing Pablo" and Javier Pena, one of the DEA agents involved with this, was in on that too

That operation was riddled with corruption, I doubt the U.S. has changed its ways
some of dem dudes just burned down a police station in jamaica tonight and shot up another one. Man its getting hectic out their, I think they did that so they can steal uniforms and a radio to listen in on whats going on.... damn it feel like some movie type stuff to me. If it wasn't then, sh*t just got real
some of dem dudes just burned down a police station in jamaica tonight and shot up another one. Man its getting hectic out their, I think they did that so they can steal uniforms and a radio to listen in on whats going on.... damn it feel like some movie type stuff to me. If it wasn't then, sh*t just got real
I don't know much about this situation but it sounds like this dude is operating an illegal business in the U.S.... So how is this none of America's business?
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

I don't know much about this situation but it sounds like this dude is operating an illegal business in the U.S.... So how is this none of America's business?
word dude is cutting in on CIA's profits and u expect them to just let him be? 
I'm hearing it's getting ugly down there they fired bombed a police station and shot up a few others and are shooting at cars passing by that don't stop because they think its police
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

That guys using the news reporter voice for ending sentences too often. Its like every sentence he follows the same tone progression even when its not applicable.
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