Verizon Wireless announcing the Iphone on Tuesday January 11th

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i got a nexus one on froyo...what em i missing from not having a iphone? nothing.

The "logo" and the cool factor. 

yeah because its totally like the android market is equivalent to the app store. Android Market reminds me of the Ubuntu Software Center. straight garbage.

I'm sorry but every statement you make shows distinct bias.

I have a Droid X and its bigger than the EVO and the Incredible.

You are making personal observations, applying them to everybody and making definitive statements. You sound like a groupie.

Also there isn't a phone company employee that will ever know if you rooted your phone. So that warranty talk is stupid

Can't believe this dude really said warranty.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i got a nexus one on froyo...what em i missing from not having a iphone? nothing.

The "logo" and the cool factor. 

yeah because its totally like the android market is equivalent to the app store. Android Market reminds me of the Ubuntu Software Center. straight garbage.

I'm sorry but every statement you make shows distinct bias.

I have a Droid X and its bigger than the EVO and the Incredible.

You are making personal observations, applying them to everybody and making definitive statements. You sound like a groupie.

Also there isn't a phone company employee that will ever know if you rooted your phone. So that warranty talk is stupid

Can't believe this dude really said warranty.
To those getting shipping confirmations already, when did you guys order yours?
Right on the dot at midnight?

I ordered mine the next day around 10am so I'm just curious if I should expect mine to arrive soon as well.
To those getting shipping confirmations already, when did you guys order yours?
Right on the dot at midnight?

I ordered mine the next day around 10am so I'm just curious if I should expect mine to arrive soon as well.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i got a nexus one on froyo...what em i missing from not having a iphone? nothing.

The "logo" and the cool factor. 

yeah because its totally like the android market is equivalent to the app store. Android Market reminds me of the Ubuntu Software Center. straight garbage.

I'm sorry but every statement you make shows distinct bias.

I have a Droid X and its bigger than the EVO and the Incredible.

You are making personal observations, applying them to everybody and making definitive statements. You sound like a groupie.

Of course I have a bias everyone has a bias. You are only attacking my bias because its not the same of your bias. Truth is all the OS offer the same basic features for a phone. The only thing really operating the two OS is third party development support and fragmentation. There is no bias in those statements. It is known clear as the eye can see that iPhone has WAY more third party support the an android. It is a clear FACT that Android suffers from terrible fragmentation whether it be hardware or even software. You sound like you got sold into all that Android propaganda that was spewed out by all the other non iPhone carriers that got you to buy their phones. Most people bought android devices because that is all that was available. Look at At&t for example iPhone has destroyed every single Android offering so far on At&T. Look at the Verizon iPhone has already posted new sales records. You guys are just not being honest with yourselves no one really wants an Android phone. You guys are the one who think Android is superior when there is absolutely NO indication of this by any means. No Android product sales better, no Android product has more software available, no Android product is even being advertised as the leading mobile OS. This is coming from someone who has been following the phone industry since the Ericsson T616. Android has not accomplished anything to make anyone really care about their platform.

Look at the top selling game on Android:

^*$% is that crap? You really think the general public thinks that is impressive?

Come on be serious Android has tons of good hardware options but it makes no sense to even bother supporting a platform that cant even get decent third party support. Third Party support is what makes these mobile platforms.

edit: And negro please an iPhone warranty is way better than any android manufacturers warranty. If something goes wrong with my phone I can easily take it to an Apple store if something goes wrong with your phone what are you going to do?
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i got a nexus one on froyo...what em i missing from not having a iphone? nothing.

The "logo" and the cool factor. 

yeah because its totally like the android market is equivalent to the app store. Android Market reminds me of the Ubuntu Software Center. straight garbage.

I'm sorry but every statement you make shows distinct bias.

I have a Droid X and its bigger than the EVO and the Incredible.

You are making personal observations, applying them to everybody and making definitive statements. You sound like a groupie.

Of course I have a bias everyone has a bias. You are only attacking my bias because its not the same of your bias. Truth is all the OS offer the same basic features for a phone. The only thing really operating the two OS is third party development support and fragmentation. There is no bias in those statements. It is known clear as the eye can see that iPhone has WAY more third party support the an android. It is a clear FACT that Android suffers from terrible fragmentation whether it be hardware or even software. You sound like you got sold into all that Android propaganda that was spewed out by all the other non iPhone carriers that got you to buy their phones. Most people bought android devices because that is all that was available. Look at At&t for example iPhone has destroyed every single Android offering so far on At&T. Look at the Verizon iPhone has already posted new sales records. You guys are just not being honest with yourselves no one really wants an Android phone. You guys are the one who think Android is superior when there is absolutely NO indication of this by any means. No Android product sales better, no Android product has more software available, no Android product is even being advertised as the leading mobile OS. This is coming from someone who has been following the phone industry since the Ericsson T616. Android has not accomplished anything to make anyone really care about their platform.

Look at the top selling game on Android:

^*$% is that crap? You really think the general public thinks that is impressive?

Come on be serious Android has tons of good hardware options but it makes no sense to even bother supporting a platform that cant even get decent third party support. Third Party support is what makes these mobile platforms.

edit: And negro please an iPhone warranty is way better than any android manufacturers warranty. If something goes wrong with my phone I can easily take it to an Apple store if something goes wrong with your phone what are you going to do?
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i got a nexus one on froyo...what em i missing from not having a iphone? nothing.

The "logo" and the cool factor. 

yeah because its totally like the android market is equivalent to the app store. Android Market reminds me of the Ubuntu Software Center. straight garbage.

I'm sorry but every statement you make shows distinct bias.

I have a Droid X and its bigger than the EVO and the Incredible.

You are making personal observations, applying them to everybody and making definitive statements. You sound like a groupie.

Of course I have a bias everyone has a bias. You are only attacking my bias because its not the same of your bias. Truth is all the OS offer the same basic features for a phone. The only thing really operating the two OS is third party development support and fragmentation. There is no bias in those statements. It is known clear as the eye can see that iPhone has WAY more third party support the an android. It is a clear FACT that Android suffers from terrible fragmentation whether it be hardware or even software. You sound like you got sold into all that Android propaganda that was spewed out by all the other non iPhone carriers that got you to buy their phones. Most people bought android devices because that is all that was available. Look at At&t for example iPhone has destroyed every single Android offering so far on At&T. Look at the Verizon iPhone has already posted new sales records. You guys are just not being honest with yourselves no one really wants an Android phone. You guys are the one who think Android is superior when there is absolutely NO indication of this by any means. No Android product sales better, no Android product has more software available, no Android product is even being advertised as the leading mobile OS. This is coming from someone who has been following the phone industry since the Ericsson T616. Android has not accomplished anything to make anyone really care about their platform.

Look at the top selling game on Android:

^*$% is that crap? You really think the general public thinks that is impressive?

Come on be serious Android has tons of good hardware options but it makes no sense to even bother supporting a platform that cant even get decent third party support. Third Party support is what makes these mobile platforms.

edit: And negro please an iPhone warranty is way better than any android manufacturers warranty. If something goes wrong with my phone I can easily take it to an Apple store if something goes wrong with your phone what are you going to do?

for an extra 6.99 a month it turns into a lifetime warranty. I drop it or lose it and I'm only out of pocket $89 bucks.

This game>whatever the hell you posted up there.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i got a nexus one on froyo...what em i missing from not having a iphone? nothing.

The "logo" and the cool factor. 

yeah because its totally like the android market is equivalent to the app store. Android Market reminds me of the Ubuntu Software Center. straight garbage.

I'm sorry but every statement you make shows distinct bias.

I have a Droid X and its bigger than the EVO and the Incredible.

You are making personal observations, applying them to everybody and making definitive statements. You sound like a groupie.

Of course I have a bias everyone has a bias. You are only attacking my bias because its not the same of your bias. Truth is all the OS offer the same basic features for a phone. The only thing really operating the two OS is third party development support and fragmentation. There is no bias in those statements. It is known clear as the eye can see that iPhone has WAY more third party support the an android. It is a clear FACT that Android suffers from terrible fragmentation whether it be hardware or even software. You sound like you got sold into all that Android propaganda that was spewed out by all the other non iPhone carriers that got you to buy their phones. Most people bought android devices because that is all that was available. Look at At&t for example iPhone has destroyed every single Android offering so far on At&T. Look at the Verizon iPhone has already posted new sales records. You guys are just not being honest with yourselves no one really wants an Android phone. You guys are the one who think Android is superior when there is absolutely NO indication of this by any means. No Android product sales better, no Android product has more software available, no Android product is even being advertised as the leading mobile OS. This is coming from someone who has been following the phone industry since the Ericsson T616. Android has not accomplished anything to make anyone really care about their platform.

Look at the top selling game on Android:

^*$% is that crap? You really think the general public thinks that is impressive?

Come on be serious Android has tons of good hardware options but it makes no sense to even bother supporting a platform that cant even get decent third party support. Third Party support is what makes these mobile platforms.

edit: And negro please an iPhone warranty is way better than any android manufacturers warranty. If something goes wrong with my phone I can easily take it to an Apple store if something goes wrong with your phone what are you going to do?

for an extra 6.99 a month it turns into a lifetime warranty. I drop it or lose it and I'm only out of pocket $89 bucks.

This game>whatever the hell you posted up there.
Also the best selling Iphone game has always been free for Android.

Not to be rude but you know don't what your talking about

Dude said if something happens to my Android what am I going to do
Also the best selling Iphone game has always been free for Android.

Not to be rude but you know don't what your talking about

Dude said if something happens to my Android what am I going to do
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by omgitswes

From what I understand you only need to flash roms if you want a custom one. Other than that there's no need.
I don't see how its a bad thing to the option on using custom ones instead of stock and keeping all that bloat ware you never use

There should be no need for a custom rom to be honest. Every custom rom has its pros and CONS. And its not like people are trying to flash their roms just for options sakes most of them want to fix a problem they have with the OS i.e to much bloatware, bad battery life, and mainly not having the most recent os. All of these problems shouldn't exist on the platform.

i don't get what you're trying to say. I really don't see how customizing your phone making it work for you is a bad thing.
I understand what you're saying about how those problems shouldn't exist and you're right but there is no perfect phone. And that's what custom roms are for

You shouldnt have to void your warranty and potentially brick your phone to improve your battery life. There are also now accounts of custom rom users having problems with the new android market. It's just a very inefficient way to fix problems that shouldnt exist
says da dude who's a proponent of jail breaking a iphone

i got a nexus one on froyo...what em i missing from not having a iphone? nothing.
You cant even compare jailbreaking to flashing a custom rom. Jailbreaking is just giving root acess to the phone. Flashing a custom rom on a phone is essentially replacing the OS with a modified version. But I doubt it matters to you android people not like you guys care about your warrant/lack of warranty.

For one you are missing a front facing camera.
Two you are missing out on any game that matters. Please dont come and respond with "i got all the emulators I want" because honestly who the $+$* still plays roms Id rather have a game tailored for my hardware than a 20 year old game.

they got PSX and N64 emulators too sir, and da best thing is its all free along with da 8, 16, 32 bit classics..

and your NEVER gonna tell me with a straight face da classic SNES games are INFERIOR then what steve jobs wants to tell you is poppin.

so classic games for free that imma play a hour MAX on a phone to pass da time >>> overpriced trash games on app store on da iphone

everyone knows da front facing camera is a gimmick at this point...what you braggin about, iphone can't even USE facetime on their network, strictly wifi only

You better hope iPhone never official releases on Sprint or T-Mobile or else its a done deal. The consumers have already spoken and said they want iPhone its only time until Android users turn into the Blackberry users of yesterday.
oh really?

[h1]Android Shipped on 43% of U.S. Smartphones: Nielsen[/h1]

By: Clint Boulton
Article Rating:
 / 2
Share This Article

There are 1 user comments on this Enterprise Mobility story.

[h2]Nielsen said Google's Android platform ran on 43 percent of smartphone shipments from July 2010 to December 2010; Apple iOS grabbed 26 percent, while RIM's BlackBerry took 20 percent.[/h2][table][tr][td]
[table][tr][td]Rate This Article:[/td][/tr][tr][/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
PDF Version

Google's Android operating system continued to be the hit of the U.S.smartphone world, accounting for 43 percent of smartphone shipments from July2010 to December 2010.

Nielsen said Feb. 1 that Apple iOS was on 26 percent of smartphonesshipped over the last six months, whole Research in Motion's Blackberry tallied20 percent of platform shipments.

However, while Android has been the hot handheld platform—after a strongholiday season for Samsung Galaxy S and Motorola Droid sales—the OS is lockedin a statistical tie with iOS and Blackberry: all account for 27 percent of theU.S. smartphone market.

Technically, Nielsen is showing a slight edge for iOS at 28 percent share,but the research calls this a tie, allowing for fluctuations in market numbersand statistical error. 

Nielsen's numbers came one day after Canalys published its fourth quarter smartphone shipments across NorthAmerica, Asia Pacific, EMEA and Latin America,finding that Android became the world's leading smartphone platform.

The OS accounted for 33.3 million of the 101.2 million smartphones shippedworldwide in Q4, compared with 31 million by Nokia, which is struggling to keeppace with Google and Apple in the competitive market worldwide.

Apple sold 16.2 million iPhones, while RIM--which finds its smartphoneleadership position squeezed in the by the iPhone and Android handsets--followed  Apple with 14.6 million units shipped.

Adding more fuel to the Android fire, eMarketer analyst Noah Elkin saidJan. 27 that Android will be the main OS for 31 percent of all smartphone usersby 2012, with iOS following close behind at a 30 percent market share. 

"With a growing roster of manufacturer and carrier partners in everymajor market and market segment, scale for Android is coming quickly in termsof device, market share, apps and ad revenues," Elkin said.

Well, yes, but don't discount the loyalty of Apple's iPhone fans. Manypeople who try the iPhone won't discard the device for a Droid. Conversely,several eWEEK readers have claimedthat they would give up their Droid for a Verizon Wireless iPhone.

These folks will get their wish beginning Feb. 10.

Out the box you dont have 720p video recording
cute political and you both know my phone is 720p capable

You have to buy a Microsd just to ever equal what comes standard on iPhone
more cute political talk...tryin to make a strength that Android phones have as a weakness....da actuality is its a ADVANTAGE to have a expandable

memory card slot that we can switch in and out, versus having to BUY and stay stuck with a iphone that ONLY has 8, 16, or 32 gig and is NON expandable

where the manufacturer of your phone who also makes the OS, STILL hasnt give you 2.3. Is there any reason why Goggle couldnt come out with Gingerbread in timely manner? This would never happen on an iPhone...
thats all you got? you know damn well my phone is next in line for gingerbread, and there is NO PROGRAM that ONLY works for gingerbread and not froyo...try again.


da only people that have to look over their shoulder when verizon gets da iphone is Research In Motion...blackberry bout to be a victim of natural selection.

so like i said, what does my phone lack that da iphone has? nothing.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by omgitswes

From what I understand you only need to flash roms if you want a custom one. Other than that there's no need.
I don't see how its a bad thing to the option on using custom ones instead of stock and keeping all that bloat ware you never use

There should be no need for a custom rom to be honest. Every custom rom has its pros and CONS. And its not like people are trying to flash their roms just for options sakes most of them want to fix a problem they have with the OS i.e to much bloatware, bad battery life, and mainly not having the most recent os. All of these problems shouldn't exist on the platform.

i don't get what you're trying to say. I really don't see how customizing your phone making it work for you is a bad thing.
I understand what you're saying about how those problems shouldn't exist and you're right but there is no perfect phone. And that's what custom roms are for

You shouldnt have to void your warranty and potentially brick your phone to improve your battery life. There are also now accounts of custom rom users having problems with the new android market. It's just a very inefficient way to fix problems that shouldnt exist
says da dude who's a proponent of jail breaking a iphone

i got a nexus one on froyo...what em i missing from not having a iphone? nothing.
You cant even compare jailbreaking to flashing a custom rom. Jailbreaking is just giving root acess to the phone. Flashing a custom rom on a phone is essentially replacing the OS with a modified version. But I doubt it matters to you android people not like you guys care about your warrant/lack of warranty.

For one you are missing a front facing camera.
Two you are missing out on any game that matters. Please dont come and respond with "i got all the emulators I want" because honestly who the $+$* still plays roms Id rather have a game tailored for my hardware than a 20 year old game.

they got PSX and N64 emulators too sir, and da best thing is its all free along with da 8, 16, 32 bit classics..

and your NEVER gonna tell me with a straight face da classic SNES games are INFERIOR then what steve jobs wants to tell you is poppin.

so classic games for free that imma play a hour MAX on a phone to pass da time >>> overpriced trash games on app store on da iphone

everyone knows da front facing camera is a gimmick at this point...what you braggin about, iphone can't even USE facetime on their network, strictly wifi only

You better hope iPhone never official releases on Sprint or T-Mobile or else its a done deal. The consumers have already spoken and said they want iPhone its only time until Android users turn into the Blackberry users of yesterday.
oh really?

[h1]Android Shipped on 43% of U.S. Smartphones: Nielsen[/h1]

By: Clint Boulton
Article Rating:
 / 2
Share This Article

There are 1 user comments on this Enterprise Mobility story.

[h2]Nielsen said Google's Android platform ran on 43 percent of smartphone shipments from July 2010 to December 2010; Apple iOS grabbed 26 percent, while RIM's BlackBerry took 20 percent.[/h2][table][tr][td]
[table][tr][td]Rate This Article:[/td][/tr][tr][/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
PDF Version

Google's Android operating system continued to be the hit of the U.S.smartphone world, accounting for 43 percent of smartphone shipments from July2010 to December 2010.

Nielsen said Feb. 1 that Apple iOS was on 26 percent of smartphonesshipped over the last six months, whole Research in Motion's Blackberry tallied20 percent of platform shipments.

However, while Android has been the hot handheld platform—after a strongholiday season for Samsung Galaxy S and Motorola Droid sales—the OS is lockedin a statistical tie with iOS and Blackberry: all account for 27 percent of theU.S. smartphone market.

Technically, Nielsen is showing a slight edge for iOS at 28 percent share,but the research calls this a tie, allowing for fluctuations in market numbersand statistical error. 

Nielsen's numbers came one day after Canalys published its fourth quarter smartphone shipments across NorthAmerica, Asia Pacific, EMEA and Latin America,finding that Android became the world's leading smartphone platform.

The OS accounted for 33.3 million of the 101.2 million smartphones shippedworldwide in Q4, compared with 31 million by Nokia, which is struggling to keeppace with Google and Apple in the competitive market worldwide.

Apple sold 16.2 million iPhones, while RIM--which finds its smartphoneleadership position squeezed in the by the iPhone and Android handsets--followed  Apple with 14.6 million units shipped.

Adding more fuel to the Android fire, eMarketer analyst Noah Elkin saidJan. 27 that Android will be the main OS for 31 percent of all smartphone usersby 2012, with iOS following close behind at a 30 percent market share. 

"With a growing roster of manufacturer and carrier partners in everymajor market and market segment, scale for Android is coming quickly in termsof device, market share, apps and ad revenues," Elkin said.

Well, yes, but don't discount the loyalty of Apple's iPhone fans. Manypeople who try the iPhone won't discard the device for a Droid. Conversely,several eWEEK readers have claimedthat they would give up their Droid for a Verizon Wireless iPhone.

These folks will get their wish beginning Feb. 10.

Out the box you dont have 720p video recording
cute political and you both know my phone is 720p capable

You have to buy a Microsd just to ever equal what comes standard on iPhone
more cute political talk...tryin to make a strength that Android phones have as a weakness....da actuality is its a ADVANTAGE to have a expandable

memory card slot that we can switch in and out, versus having to BUY and stay stuck with a iphone that ONLY has 8, 16, or 32 gig and is NON expandable

where the manufacturer of your phone who also makes the OS, STILL hasnt give you 2.3. Is there any reason why Goggle couldnt come out with Gingerbread in timely manner? This would never happen on an iPhone...
thats all you got? you know damn well my phone is next in line for gingerbread, and there is NO PROGRAM that ONLY works for gingerbread and not froyo...try again.


da only people that have to look over their shoulder when verizon gets da iphone is Research In Motion...blackberry bout to be a victim of natural selection.

so like i said, what does my phone lack that da iphone has? nothing.
You droid fan boys are so dumb. For real.

Son posted an article with it saying how Droid out sells the ipod...Son, any company that releases phones left & right non stop is going to do good selling wise. How many phones does Droid has out now? Compare to the ONE phone Apple
You droid fan boys are so dumb. For real.

Son posted an article with it saying how Droid out sells the ipod...Son, any company that releases phones left & right non stop is going to do good selling wise. How many phones does Droid has out now? Compare to the ONE phone Apple
like i said before android phones sharpen swords with swords, hence da arms race with technology...da hell we worrying bout a 3.5 inch iphone

thats gotta be jailbroken to do anything remotely cool on it?
like i said before android phones sharpen swords with swords, hence da arms race with technology...da hell we worrying bout a 3.5 inch iphone

thats gotta be jailbroken to do anything remotely cool on it?
Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

this is funny, but should i wait for iphone 5 coming out in the summer? i remember waiting for the iphone 4 , than rumored about verizon iphone 4 now they having rumor about iphone 5 coming out in the summer!!! lol

If you have Verizon dont hold your breathe on getting an iPhone 5 in the summer. If you have At&t than yes there should be a new iphone at least by the beginning of fall.
that makes sense but how sure are you that verizon wont get the iphone 5 soon also 

I'm not sure but it would be a bad business move by verizon to release a new iPhone in under 10 months. I would think we won't see a new iPhone for verizon this year because for the supply won't be there. Unless apple can build a new foxconn plant there is no way they will be able to produced 30 million iPhones at the same time. The next iPhone on AT&T will do better numbers than the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4 on verizon is already doing AT&T iPhone numbers. They already have a hard enough time producing the iPhone on one carrier already releasing 2 at the same time would be near impossible. There would be mass foxconn suicides if this occur.
Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

this is funny, but should i wait for iphone 5 coming out in the summer? i remember waiting for the iphone 4 , than rumored about verizon iphone 4 now they having rumor about iphone 5 coming out in the summer!!! lol

If you have Verizon dont hold your breathe on getting an iPhone 5 in the summer. If you have At&t than yes there should be a new iphone at least by the beginning of fall.
that makes sense but how sure are you that verizon wont get the iphone 5 soon also 

I'm not sure but it would be a bad business move by verizon to release a new iPhone in under 10 months. I would think we won't see a new iPhone for verizon this year because for the supply won't be there. Unless apple can build a new foxconn plant there is no way they will be able to produced 30 million iPhones at the same time. The next iPhone on AT&T will do better numbers than the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4 on verizon is already doing AT&T iPhone numbers. They already have a hard enough time producing the iPhone on one carrier already releasing 2 at the same time would be near impossible. There would be mass foxconn suicides if this occur.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i got a nexus one on froyo...what em i missing from not having a iphone? nothing.

The "logo" and the cool factor. 

yeah because its totally like the android market is equivalent to the app store. Android Market reminds me of the Ubuntu Software Center. straight garbage.

I'm sorry but every statement you make shows distinct bias.

I have a Droid X and its bigger than the EVO and the Incredible.

You are making personal observations, applying them to everybody and making definitive statements. You sound like a groupie.

Of course I have a bias everyone has a bias. You are only attacking my bias because its not the same of your bias. Truth is all the OS offer the same basic features for a phone. The only thing really operating the two OS is third party development support and fragmentation. There is no bias in those statements. It is known clear as the eye can see that iPhone has WAY more third party support the an android. It is a clear FACT that Android suffers from terrible fragmentation whether it be hardware or even software. You sound like you got sold into all that Android propaganda that was spewed out by all the other non iPhone carriers that got you to buy their phones. Most people bought android devices because that is all that was available. Look at At&t for example iPhone has destroyed every single Android offering so far on At&T. Look at the Verizon iPhone has already posted new sales records. You guys are just not being honest with yourselves no one really wants an Android phone. You guys are the one who think Android is superior when there is absolutely NO indication of this by any means. No Android product sales better, no Android product has more software available, no Android product is even being advertised as the leading mobile OS. This is coming from someone who has been following the phone industry since the Ericsson T616. Android has not accomplished anything to make anyone really care about their platform.

Look at the top selling game on Android:

^*$% is that crap? You really think the general public thinks that is impressive?

Come on be serious Android has tons of good hardware options but it makes no sense to even bother supporting a platform that cant even get decent third party support. Third Party support is what makes these mobile platforms.

edit: And negro please an iPhone warranty is way better than any android manufacturers warranty. If something goes wrong with my phone I can easily take it to an Apple store if something goes wrong with your phone what are you going to do?

for an extra 6.99 a month it turns into a lifetime warranty. I drop it or lose it and I'm only out of pocket $89 bucks.

This game>whatever the hell you posted up there.

The game you posted < RageHd, dead space, nova 2, infinity blade
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i got a nexus one on froyo...what em i missing from not having a iphone? nothing.

The "logo" and the cool factor. 

yeah because its totally like the android market is equivalent to the app store. Android Market reminds me of the Ubuntu Software Center. straight garbage.

I'm sorry but every statement you make shows distinct bias.

I have a Droid X and its bigger than the EVO and the Incredible.

You are making personal observations, applying them to everybody and making definitive statements. You sound like a groupie.

Of course I have a bias everyone has a bias. You are only attacking my bias because its not the same of your bias. Truth is all the OS offer the same basic features for a phone. The only thing really operating the two OS is third party development support and fragmentation. There is no bias in those statements. It is known clear as the eye can see that iPhone has WAY more third party support the an android. It is a clear FACT that Android suffers from terrible fragmentation whether it be hardware or even software. You sound like you got sold into all that Android propaganda that was spewed out by all the other non iPhone carriers that got you to buy their phones. Most people bought android devices because that is all that was available. Look at At&t for example iPhone has destroyed every single Android offering so far on At&T. Look at the Verizon iPhone has already posted new sales records. You guys are just not being honest with yourselves no one really wants an Android phone. You guys are the one who think Android is superior when there is absolutely NO indication of this by any means. No Android product sales better, no Android product has more software available, no Android product is even being advertised as the leading mobile OS. This is coming from someone who has been following the phone industry since the Ericsson T616. Android has not accomplished anything to make anyone really care about their platform.

Look at the top selling game on Android:

^*$% is that crap? You really think the general public thinks that is impressive?

Come on be serious Android has tons of good hardware options but it makes no sense to even bother supporting a platform that cant even get decent third party support. Third Party support is what makes these mobile platforms.

edit: And negro please an iPhone warranty is way better than any android manufacturers warranty. If something goes wrong with my phone I can easily take it to an Apple store if something goes wrong with your phone what are you going to do?

for an extra 6.99 a month it turns into a lifetime warranty. I drop it or lose it and I'm only out of pocket $89 bucks.

This game>whatever the hell you posted up there.

The game you posted < RageHd, dead space, nova 2, infinity blade
Originally Posted by JrizzyJay

You droid fan boys are so dumb. For real.

Son posted an article with it saying how Droid out sells the ipod...Son, any company that releases phones left & right non stop is going to do good selling wise. How many phones does Droid has out now? Compare to the ONE phone Apple

Son posted an article comparing how many iPhones sold to how many android phones were shipped. I don't even know how android users can eve play the number game when no one even has actual sales figures for android phones. Sanding and Sprint have already been exposed for lieing about their numbers. It's funny how google just swooped so many people in to believing this propaganda. @@@++@ really think "droid does".
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