Viva La Revolución! Cuba's socialist revolution marks 50 years.

Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG

[h4]It's nice to celebrate the legacy of an oppressive Communist state from the comfort of one's home and cable modem connection. I bet you were wearing a slanket and sipping on some chai while you typed all that nonsense out.

OP have you ever even been to South Beach much less know someone from Cuba that has defected? Text book NTers. Gotta love em!

What to know how conditions are in Cuba? Here's a good link with plenty of pictures. Yeah this site will show how conditions are in Cuba. Not the partswhere Michael Moore showed in Sicko or the tourist areas but the real grime.

SMH at this topic especially the part about free basic health care.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I find Cuba and its revolution to be a fascinating example of resistance to U.S. Imperialism in the 20th century.
do you find the current living conditions there fascinating too?
Nah, not by any means. But their resistance to U.S Imperialism, I think is


Do you know what Imperialism is?

No Fede, I don't. Please tell me what is Imperialism?
Ok, let me veer the discussion a bit since this was mentioned a bit...No doubt about it, Cuba's economy in in shams due to Castro's regime havingcontrol and giving such limiting freedoms to the masses in all aspects of life. That is why Cuba has been enduring such devastating poverty and deplorableconditions.

But, what about the U.S. embargo on Cuba? Doesn't that also play a little bit and can be seen as a factor in some ways of downplaying Cuba'seconomy?
the reason why people leave is cuz they live nice and comfy here in the US. From my understanding they gain residence and even get a SS check. Is this true?Maybe i shouldnt jump to conclusions.

But yeah, i have NO idea why people jump on che and fidels jock.
It's nearly impossible to discuss such a multifaceted issue without sounding glib over the internet.

I am not suggesting Fidel Castro is a saint. Nor do I paint revolutionary Cuba as a utopia. My intent is to discuss the positives and negatives of Cuba'srevolution. The differing opinions in this thread are representative of how greatly debated this issue is in general. Individuals who fled Cuba fearingcommunism and Castro's forces would destroy their lives obviously have a different experience than those who previously lived in extreme poverty foundthemselves receiving an education, participating in local government, and granted land to subsist upon.

I freely admit I have no first hand experience living in an impoverished nation, nor do I wish to make light of it. I have no doubt many suffered greatlyduring the Castro regime, whether specifically targeted or victims of a system inadequate at providing for the needs of all. It seems there may be somerelatives of Cuban refugees posting, and I would invite them to share their stories.

That said, this


... is hilarious.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

The fact that this form of Gov't is being celebrated by a American citizen is scary in this day and age.

Ronald Reagan is looking down at this country in shame
Che sucked. Doesn't make Reagen good.
How did Che Suck?

Honestly we have all been brainwashed in believing what our history books tell us and dont go out and inform ourselves.

Che was a horrible person because he killed many but when there is a Revolution he did "by any means necessary" He lived by "the barrel of agun" and he died by that, dont judge a person by what many portray as negative because our media and others see him like that
Originally Posted by CWrite78


checking in

The man hasn't been perfect but life in that country is far better than most of the other countries through Central and South America. The main reason fortheir struggles is because of US embargos on trade which cause them to be weak economically. Fidel stood up to America and got Batista out. Cuba hasimproved remakrably as a country since then. I hope to go visit one day.
1. I am Cuban, my whole family is exiled

2. Che, just like every other radical/revolutionary (even Hitler), has fans but in the end he was a murdering psycho idealist who made a lot of things go frombad to worse. For some reason they love him in Africa though.

3. Cuba has NOT improved as a country at all. They are stuck in the 1950's. It was not a third world country when Castro took over and it definitely is onenow. They had super shopping malls and escalators way before the US but now you're lucky if you find an automobile made after 1959 that's not owned bya drug dealer or government official.

4. "Fidel stood up to America and got Batista out" - another way to say it is he violently overthrew a prosperous country because it was mainlycontrolled by the US and then replaced US puppet rule with his own tyrannical regime. The US might have been using puppets in the Cuban government but theywere not destroying the country like Castro inevitably did.

5. liberator vs dictator - if someone freed you from prison only to lock you in their basement you wouldn't feel very liberated.

6. As part of a compromise the US has the "wet foot dry foot" policy. If a Cuban national makes it (unassisted) to US soil they can seek a greencard/residency etc. If they are rescued off shore or intercepted on the way then they are sent back (recall Elian Gonzalez who was rescued off shore by theCoast Guard), usually via Guantanamo Bay but I'm sure things have changed since 9/11. This is a somewhat unpopular policy because Mexicans and Haitians whoalso frequently try to enter the US are sent back even if they make it to the US. This is due to the US government's stance with the Cuban government(embargo) as opposed to the Haitian and Mexican governments with which the US does a lot of business.
Originally Posted by infamousod

1. I am Cuban, my whole family is exiled

2. Che, just like every other radical/revolutionary (even Hitler), has fans but in the end he was a murdering psycho idealist who made a lot of things go from bad to worse. For some reason they love him in Africa though.

3. Cuba has NOT improved as a country at all. They are stuck in the 1950's. It was not a third world country when Castro took over and it definitely is one now. They had super shopping malls and escalators way before the US but now you're lucky if you find an automobile made after 1959 that's not owned by a drug dealer or government official.

4. "Fidel stood up to America and got Batista out" - another way to say it is he violently overthrew a prosperous country because it was mainly controlled by the US and then replaced US puppet rule with his own tyrannical regime. The US might have been using puppets in the Cuban government but they were not destroying the country like Castro inevitably did.

5. liberator vs dictator - if someone freed you from prison only to lock you in their basement you wouldn't feel very liberated.

6. As part of a compromise the US has the "wet foot dry foot" policy. If a Cuban national makes it (unassisted) to US soil they can seek a green card/residency etc. If they are rescued off shore or intercepted on the way then they are sent back (recall Elian Gonzalez who was rescued off shore by the Coast Guard), usually via Guantanamo Bay but I'm sure things have changed since 9/11. This is a somewhat unpopular policy because Mexicans and Haitians who also frequently try to enter the US are sent back even if they make it to the US. This is due to the US government's stance with the Cuban government (embargo) as opposed to the Haitian and Mexican governments with which the US does a lot of business.

And only the white, Cuban upper-crest had access to this. The economic distribution of the country during Batista's reign was outta control.
just like in the US. It was the 50's. Cuba didn't abolish slavery until 1886 (which is after the US). Batista was out of whack but not out of control.
Originally Posted by infamousod

just like in the US. It was the 50's. Cuba didn't abolish slavery until 1886 (which is after the US). Batista was out of whack but not out of control.
How was Batista not outta control? He was a brutal kingpin thug.

The only ones that I can see that would think that approved of Batista were the upper class in Cuba living under his regime at the time. Fulgencio Batistakilled, tortured, maimed, jailed dissenters, led a repressive and corrupt government, and allowed the exploitation of Cuba's natural assets. Most Cubanswere drenched in poverty and were illiterate. Bastista and his mafia ran the casino's and used them as bases to steal people's money, plundered thecountry and allowed the U.S. corporations and businesses to exploit Cuba's natural resources and allowed the U.S. government to intervene with the PlattAmendment ever since the late 1800s, whenever they wanted to militarily. Cuba had no political sovereignty at all and was basically as if it was occupied underthe U.S.

It was Batista and the U.S. foreign policy that made these revolutionaries rise out of their ashes.

That is why when Castro came to power, he nationalized the businesses, and redistributed land to his people (which most of it was owned by U.S. corporationsand big businesses prior to 1959). In the 1960s and 1970s, universal health care and education improved dramatically for Cubans. There was more employment andthe average income for the average Cuban skyrocketed. But it has taken a turn for the worse since then. We also know the lack of freedom, human rightsabuses,etc. that Cubans have endured under the Castro regime.

However, I think Cubans were worse under Batista .Forget about healthcare, forget about free education, and his secret police was ruthless. Only if you werewhite European and upper class you live alright. Also, Castro and his gang tried to erase the racism that was so present under Batista's regime. Some werenearly slaves under his reign. Batista was a self-interested, ammoral criminal. When he escaped Cuba during the revolution, he took millions of dollars withhim and died in exile in Spain.
^^ nobody is singing Batista's praises but you can't look at Cuba before and after 1959 and say things are better. Batista wasn't out ofcontrol...he was under US control. Both leaders are horrible.

what good is being able to read if the government is telling you what you can and can't read

quality of life is not the same as quantity (length)

Originally Posted by KingLouisXIV

Cuba has NOT improved as a country at all.
A literacy rate of 99.8% for both males and females
Life expectancy - Males ~75 years Females ~80 years (highest in LA and on par with US)
Universal suffrage at age 16
The highest number of medics per capita in Latin America
1.8% unemployment (U.S. is 5-6%)
I'm supposed to believe all of that? The only two I'm apt to believe is literacy and life expectancy.
Just because those numbers are published in an online CIA 'fact book', that makes them true?

The CIA also believed that USSR GDP was 60-65% of US GDP, when in fact it was more like 3-4%.

Cuba also touts a low infant mortality rate. How's that?
Well, in Cuba, births are only recorded when the child is at least 6 months old (similar to how the Soviets did it). When do most infant deaths occur? Why,prior to 6 months. Actually, within the first few months.
So what is Cuba's infant mortality rate exactly?

The Soviet union had 'low unemployment' too except that most of the employment was highly unproductive resulting in a poor nation.
My guess is that Cuba is very similar.

The fact is that as much as Castro likes to tout 'his fight against US Imperialism', he's been used as a pawn by multiple sides over the years.
He needs the US imperialists to stay in power just like the US needed the commie Castro to justify various policies during the Cold War.
The CIA also had a plane that crash-landed with a few hundred pounds of cocaine in it.
Originally Posted by Lrrr

The CIA also had a plane that crash-landed with a few hundred pounds of cocaine in it.
CIA has been abetting drug running sine its OSS days in the China- Burma theatre during WW2.
Originally Posted by KingLouisXIV

Cuba has NOT improved as a country at all.
A literacy rate of 99.8% for both males and females
Life expectancy - Males ~75 years Females ~80 years (highest in LA and on par with US)
Universal suffrage at age 16
The highest number of medics per capita in Latin America
1.8% unemployment (U.S. is 5-6%)
I knew somebody was going to post that. I had a discussion with some dude a long time ago that said he was communist or whatever. I askedhim what he was doing here in the US if all he did was talk down about the US. He always made some bs excuse. Dude would always bring those"facts" up about Cuba having the best doctors in the world and bla bla bla.
Idiots because they have never lived under Castro or any other communist parties regime. They don't know what its really like to live under that. Igive it up to Castro though. Supposedly he used to put criminals all on a wall and straight dump on all of them. I guess there wasn't much "criminalactivity" going on. lol I know plenty of Cubans that tell me stories of them leaving and all that.
viva la revolucion !

... at the cost of innocent peoples lives


there will be a parade down calle ocho when fidel dies, mark my words
yall missing the point that Cuba would have amazing power for a country its size if it wasn't systematically kept out of everything. America has made sureno one really trades or gets goods from Cuba so of course they are going to be a poor country. The quality of life though is far better than other CentralAmerican and Latin American countries where there is some fake @@% democracy who is just some ghuy America has placed in there. Whart America has done to LatinAmerica is basically a rape and is one of the biggest blemishes on this countires history. Any leader who we have not did not seem to represent theimperialistic values of America has been replaced by some puppet **%+$%% leader that America has put in place to best serve its own interest.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

The fact that this form of Gov't is being celebrated by a American citizen is scary in this day and age.

Ronald Reagan is looking down at this country in shame.

whos celebrating cuba's form of government? he's simply pointing out the success of castro's revolution.
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