Walmart security guard shoots 'shoplifting' mother dead in parking lot as she tries to escape with t

vids of you in your super car. with a timer starting from closing the front door starting the car, to switching gears and accelerating.
That takes literally 20 seconds.
Honestly if you really tried you can prob do it faster than that
I thought they were referring to the car when they said "it" knocked him off balance.
Lets say it did... it still says as the women sped off meaning they had already left.... So the so called he was in danger theory is gone... if in reverse as said... then that would mean the either hit reverse stop... change gears..... and then proceeded foward... because it says he shot at the car as the where leaving... not at the same time as the car proceeded in reverse... so he was no longer in a postion of so called almost being ran over...

So we know he didnt hit them while they where going in reverse.... Because the shot occured as they were leaving.... We know they didnt flee the scene in reverse.... so at the time he took the shot, the already if this part is true... went in reverse... at somepoint the car had to stop in order for them to proceed foward.... So after all that is when he let go off the shot...thus no longer in danger... What danger was he in as a car is infront of him driving away?

What i think happen is... i dont think he got in between the car doors... i believe he got to the car right as they were trying to flee... he was trying to grab the door and stop them... the women hit the reverse... he moves/falls out the way.... the women proceeds to stop once she see the officer down and switch to drive and proceeds to move foward, in which at that point it open fire...

I just dont see doesnt make sense that if she was in the car and it was on and running that 1.... she had the car in reverse... 2. if the car wasnt in reverse why would he sit there and not make any attempts to stop her from changing gears...3. i dont believe he would be that stupid to place himself in a position as such....nor do i believe if he was so called in between the car door why wouldnt he use some sort of physical force to restrain her from moving...

Like i said i believe he got there attempted to grab the dorr and pull them out, she flloored it in reverse.... it shook him up and his natural instincts kicked in, he jumped/moved out the way... as he gathered himself he saw them fleeing foward and he let loose a shot.
So we're all in agreement that the driver should be also held responsible for the woman's death if an autopsy reveals that the woman woulda survived if she received proper medical care in a timely manner rather then ducking the law and taking her elsewhere in fear of getting in trouble correct?
That takes literally 20 seconds.
yea these chicks had the gearless enzo... hybrid ferrari/lambo with superchip wating outside...No wait it was the kitt knight rider car...

Like i said i dont think he ever was in between the car... and i dont think he sat there and held the door open was asking them to so called turn the car off or trying to talk to them....

A guy who first instinct was to shoot, a guy who was struck earlier, and a guy who chased down some women into a parking lot... didnt all of a sudden have a zen master moment open the door and said, oh could you turn the car off, dont put the car in reverse, hey what are you doing etc...

If he open the door and was inside surely he would have dragged/pull her out of the car... After all that ordeal no way this dude just turned into this peaceful reincarnation of ghandi and asked them to please get out of the car... please turn your car off.

I mean i pretty sure he, if infact he did it at all, did the whole imma be peaceful, ask you nicely etc routine...when he first confronted them in the store.
[COLOR=#red]New Details:

It's a black older male who shot the lady.

He's not small by any means, pretty broad shouldered looking guy.

The driver was not shot, it was the passenger.


We can pretty much rule out racism since the guy is black. THat doesn't however mean he doesn't hate "n's" if you know what I mean. Older black men USUALLY have the least amount of patience for the hood type younger women these days. Remember the Bus Driver in Cleveland? "YOU GON TO JAIL NAA". Just think of this officer the same way, but instead of an uppercut he blasted the chick.

I highly doubt these women posed a physical threat to this dude...pocketbook hitting included. He was probably pissed though and that's my theory of why he brought out the hammer.

IF he was worried about getting run over, BUT shot the passenger instead dude has more holes in his story than the body piercing freaks from Venice Beach have on their bodies.

He'll probably get off, again because the chick's families more than likely cannot afford the type of representation needed to win the case.

I know that is EXTREMELY hood. I even get mad when I have to detour and drive through it to get where I'm's that hood trust me. Consists of a pretty big contingent of Katrina displacees.

Dude's picture:

View media item 168944
Looks more like a preacher than a Sheriff's deputy.[/COLOR]
So first he wasn't black.

Now he's black but is a Uncle Tom or something to that extent :lol:

Y'all ignorant :lol:

Dude said its a process to turn on a car and put switch gears :lol: :smh:
So first he wasn't black.
Now he's black but is a Uncle Tom or something to that extent :lol:
Y'all ignorant :lol:
Dude said its a process to turn on a car and put switch gears :lol: :smh:

[COLOR=#red]I don't mean an Uncle Tom, I mean a dude who can't stand that ratchet behavior. I myself am like that to an extent, but far from an Uncle Tom.[/COLOR]
So we're all in agreement that the driver should be also held responsible for the woman's death if an autopsy reveals that the woman woulda survived if she received proper medical care in a timely manner rather then ducking the law and taking her elsewhere in fear of getting in trouble correct?
yes i do.... they all played a part in it... but i just dont believe his story in its entirety... i believe he never was in between the car door. i think he ran up on them and attempted to open grab door to grab her out of the car... the driver panic and just smashed the gas... he ddove/felll moved out the way and as they accelerated foward he let of a unaimed shot... I dont think he particularly aimed at anyone in the car... but i do know he took his shot as they left...
New Details:
It's a black older male who shot the lady.
He's not small by any means, pretty broad shouldered looking guy.
The driver was not shot, it was the passenger.
We can pretty much rule out racism since the guy is black. THat doesn't however mean he doesn't hate "n's" if you know what I mean. Older black men USUALLY have the least amount of patience for the hood type younger women these days. Remember the Bus Driver in Cleveland? "YOU GON TO JAIL NAA". Just think of this officer the same way, but instead of an uppercut he blasted the chick.
I highly doubt these women posed a physical threat to this dude...pocketbook hitting included. He was probably pissed though and that's my theory of why he brought out the hammer.
IF he was worried about getting run over, BUT shot the passenger instead dude has more holes in his story than the body piercing freaks from Venice Beach have on their bodies.
He'll probably get off, again because the chick's families more than likely cannot afford the type of representation needed to win the case.
I know that is EXTREMELY hood. I even get mad when I have to detour and drive through it to get where I'm's that hood trust me. Consists of a pretty big contingent of Katrina displacees.
Dude's picture:

Looks more like a preacher than a Sheriff's deputy.
unrelated but he kinda looks like an overweight eddie winslow.... but despite being black that doesnt auto mean he didnt have some sort of racial inclimation.... word to lapd... but i know ppl will be like ah ha i knew he was black so no way race had anything to do with it... or maybe (i seriously doubt it do to saving face) will say oh well maybe he is guilty...
So first he wasn't black.
Now he's black but is a Uncle Tom or something to that extent

Y'all ignorant

Dude said its a process to turn on a car and put switch gears
I don't mean an Uncle Tom, I mean a dude who can't stand that ratchet behavior. I myself am like that to an extent, but far from an Uncle Tom.
I can't stand ratchet behavior no matter the race......white or black.....cause its annoying on both ends
No one likes Ratchet / hood behavior.

I cringe when I see it in the street.
Really man?

Ignition at 1:09...Reverse at 1:23...and this guy was taking his time.
but you have to equate ppl are saying he was in between the car and door... therefore if the car can take off that fast... either... he wasnt inside the door like i believe... again if im them car already to go why would i wait for a officer to open a door and and place himself in between the door and also speak to me instructing me to get out etc....

Or they placed the car in etc... while he was in between the car... thus doesnt make sense either... cause i seious doubt if he was between the car he was like i said on some mild manner... can you cut off the engine, im arresting you... just not buying it.. If they wasnt stopping listening to him in the store what on earth would make him think they are outside in a car... with it running is gonna stop and listen to what he has to say let alone them saying ok now we will stop and turn off the car and get out allow him to arrest them..

It just makes no sense... thus why i dont beleive he was inside the door. Like i said i believe he reached grabbed the door... and tried to grab/stop them from outside away from the door and they took off...(thus the whole they could take off relatively fast... But no way i believe he stupidly would open a door step and place himself in between the car door... in attempt to ask them to get out the car... knowing they were resistant... and had no plans of trying to go to jail..

If they resisted arrest... and werent receptive to rhyme and reason inside a store... what would make him think oh well if i place myself between the door of a running automobile and asked them to stop the car they would just turn it off and cooperate and in a sense turn themselves in.
I'm sorry but you totally lost me.

The only point I was trying to make there is that it doesn't take that long to go from ignition to acceleration :lol:
I don't understand what there is to argue.

I can't think of a logical situation where you are going to shoot at somebody who is trying to run you over with a car. Taking the time to stop and aim involves becoming an immobile target and if he isn't stopping and aiming in a public parking lot then he is extra reckless.

No matter how you try and color the situation the officer is wrong.

I don't want to hear about plea agreements and prior criminal history because she wasn't violent.

It ain't like they shot their way out of Walmart.
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I'm sorry but you totally lost me.
The only point I was trying to make there is that it doesn't take that long to go from ignition to acceleration
which means how did he in that short amount of time grab a door and talk to them trying to essentially trying to arrest them... It just doesnt sound right.... Thus why i say the whole he was in between the car door and attempted to stop them arrest them....

Cause like i said unless this woman was on some flow jo... running with kids... then essentially the two women arrived at the car relatively at the same time... And if they were going to flee why would they wait and sit... for him to grab the door step inside the door and talk to them..

If as some ppl say the one woman was already in the car (the driver) and he basically was trailling behind the other woman who infact did steal... Why would the cop go around the car... by pass the person who was stealing in a attempt to open the door and ste betweeb the door and car and try one last attempt to arrest her...?

If the woman ran and struck him and resisted arrest... why would they all of a sudden give up and turn themselves in considering they outside in a vehicle and can easily flee and escape a cop that is on foot?

And why would he think after that ordeal that occured in the store that they would be more incline to be allowed to be arrested once they are in a vehicle...?

I still believe he ran and tried to open the door and attempted to grab the lady out of the car and she pulled off, he fell and let loss shots.. Once we find out where she was shot at in the neck..that will tell the story... cause if he shot them while in reverse the only possibly angle would be the front, if its from the side/back of neck... that would indicate as i suspect he shot as the were traveling in the foward position.
Id honestly be stunned if that cop got held accountable for what he did after everything gets settled out and we know if he was in the wrong or if he really was protecting himself which I doubt.

Houston Police always get away with the grimey **** they do down here and unless you got the bread to just pay for a good lawyer more than likely your ******, hes gonna walk away free with a slap on the wrist.

Just an example a few years back a kid got shot in the back of his head in his apartment complex. What pretty much happend was that the Police were called out there on a disturbance call, they tried to arrest him and he ran. They chased him and were able to wrestle him down onto his stomach with his face laying down. The police officer was on top of him trying to contain him.

Im pretty sure that he was squirming around a little and was probably talking some **** to em, next thing you know hes laying down dead with a bullet in the back of his head.

Police officer claimed "he was a threat to my life" and that he was just protecting himself
 Really tho while faced down? There were witesses and the cops partner even made a statement against the cop and what thappens? They just fire the cop and thats it, no time in prison NOTHING just fire him.

This is just one case of many that happens down here and these cops are never held accountable for their actions. **** is just disgusting
Anybody with any street smarts knows this. Don't do illegal **** and the cops won't have a reason to get at you. Real talk. Don't make excuses and point fingers when the OTHER party is responsible for it all even getting to that point. 

Street Smarts is something you guys obviously lack. You must've never encountered a officer that flexes his power & lies to maintain a good image. People fail to realize that cops are just like you. They lie,cheat, and deceive just like every other human.
Was the car already running with some one inside like a getaway car when the girls ran out of Wal-Mart?
Was the officer chasing right behind them to the car or did they make it to the car and the officer got there after they were already inside with the car running?
How fast could these ladies have possibly been fleeing to the car with CHILDREN with them?
How did the officer pull his gun so fast and let off a shot if when he opened the door she threw the car in reverse and tried to "run him over"? Shouldnt his gun have been holstered?
I can't think of a logical situation where you are going to shoot at somebody who is trying to run you over with a car.

Isn't it obvious that he wasn't thinking logically though?

Not acceptable for someone who is entrusted to uphold the law and carry a firearm. We dont live in the wild wild west any longer. Sorry.

I dont even know why I keep coming back in here as the issue is clearly quite polarizing. It seems people either want to justify the death of a women because they are/were "hood/ratchet" so they deserved it or people who dont trust cops/ and or those who want accountability from public servants.

It is shocking that most that view the shooting as justified are not doing so by defending the cop's decisions but condoning the woman's...speaks volumes imo. :smh:

God I cant wait for some video surveillance to come out to to settle this either way.
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