Originally Posted by crisone

Proto, damn that's crazy long without your moms, that's very good you guys are with each other now, cherish it homie.


Ant - RIP to yours as well, she'll live on forever in the hearts of those that loved her.

dope kicks NT
I NEED YOUR HELP GUYS>>>> i brought these yeezys today, and i need to know if they are legit....PLEASE.. this is heavy on my mind... i think they are but PLEASE HELP ME.. I never tried to buy fakes in my life, and ive been screwed before but here is the thread... PLEASE i need your help.
FYI. they were kind of beat up aswell when brought creases and everything...
the leather on top is VERY VERY soft, is it supposed to be like this..
the bottom the KE do connect aswell....no spaces...

PLEASE HELP ME: i spent ALOT of money on these... here is my legit check post... thank you for whoever helps me.

If they are here is my fit for today..

ASLO IF LEGIT... should i try these laces in them just a thought... DID NOT COME WITH SHOES OR EVEN ATTACHED.. brought after shoes were obtained...
Dope fits NT

FRESH ... Nice DUNK.

PROTO ... Happy you seen your mother again. ENJOY it man, ENJOY it.
thanx guys...

mostly raised by my dad... but he was a slacker, and i was your normal rebellious young teen, so i moved out at like 14 or 15... turned out ok tho, played the hand i was dealt rather well luckily, and i didn't get into too too much trouble. i turned out to be a normal, responsible guy, own a house, never had any drug addictions, never been in jail (well, not for more than over night, once for graffiti, once for some dumb shhhh)...

good to have a relationship with her again, it's definitely filling the only void i've ever felt (and even that didn't get me down too much)...

nice pick up on the yeezys two tombz, they're definitely legit (unless tan fakes have gotten that good, but i doubt it, black & pinks on the other hand, there's some really good fakes out there for those so be careful!)...
^^Good to hear that everything worked out for you. I'm going through the same thing, just saw my pops last year after 23 years
Damn...5'9"? That's impressive.

I have the worst of both worlds...no hops and and no height...
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